Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted ceremonial events on the occasion of the Day of honoring the participants of hostilities on the territory of other states. The event was attended by the Rector of the University, General of Police of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko, Vice-Rectors Serhii Bortnyk, Mykhailo Burdin, Leonid Mohilevskyi, Anatolii Klochko, deans of faculties, heads of departments, cadets, university students. The audience observed a minute of silence in memory of the heroes who gave their lives for peace on earth, and laid flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers.

"Since Ukraine's independence, our internationalist soldiers have shown heroism, courage and loyalty to the Oath while performing military duty on the territory of more than twenty states. At the risk of their lives, they ensured peace, tranquility and stability in those countries, were an example of dignity, reliability and honor, raising the prestige of our state as a peacemaker.

Today we are defending our state from the aggressor in eastern Ukraine. 50 university employees took part in the joint operation and received the status of participants in hostilities. Every participant in local wars, every veteran must feel our respect and care. Love your Motherland, protect your people and your native land!” Valerii Sokurenko addressed the audience.

Hennadii Horpynych, a participant in hostilities in the Republic of Afghanistan and a lecturer at the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty №2, spoke about the courage, endurance and courage of Ukrainian soldiers during the war in Afghanistan.

The event ended with a solemn march of cadets of the university.