The University Museum has opened a new thematic exhibition "For the sake of a peaceful life", dedicated to the employees of KhNUIA, who served in many hot spots around the world, starting with service in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan to police missions under the auspices of the UN.

The exhibition presents samples of the Soviet uniform of the 1970s-1980s. Varieties of mines and cumulative shells, which were transferred to the museum by the Department of Firearms Training of the Faculty № 3, photographs of the first half of the 1980s, provided by the employee of the medical unit of the university Volodymyr Plis.

The museum's collection was supplemented by original materials from Valentyna Pochuieva, an associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the university, who has twice served in police missions in Kosovo and Liberiia. Last year, the KhNUIA museum received valuable exhibits from university employees - father and son Anatolii and Vadym Korshenko, who also have experience in peacekeeping missions. We must also mention the rare materials donated by the former head of the Special Faculty of NUIA, Police Colonel Oleksii Telychkin.

At present, there are more than fifty peacekeepers and graduates of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Each of them has its own unique experience of working in the hot spots of the world and is an example for others.

The museum invites the university community to get acquainted with the materials of the exhibition.


PR Department of KhNUIA