In honor of the memory of the poet Taras Shevchenko, a competition "Shevchenko readings" was held at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, with the participation of cadets and students. The competition was attended by teams of the faculties №№ 1–4, 6, which competed in the nominations "Best reciter of works of the great Kobzar" and "Original genre". The performances of the contestants were evaluated by a competent jury, which included: leading soloist of the East Opera, Honored Artist of Ukraine Alla Mishakova, soloist of Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic Honored Artist of Ukraine Mykhailo Markovych, Olena Muzyka, Director of the General Library of KhNUIA, Mykola Pakhnin, Advisor-Consultant to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the University, and Assistant Rectors Viktor Slysh and Oksana Tsukan. The jury was headed by the Vice-Rector of the University Serhii Bortnyk.

The event was opened by the rector of the university Valerii Sokurenko, who stressed the importance of the creative heritage of the Great Kobzar, which teaches patriotism and love for the native land. The youth brought up in his wills is the future of an independent and strong Ukraine. Valerii Vasilyevich wished the contestants creative inspiration and victory.

The creative event began with a vocal composition based on Shevchenko's poem "My thoughts, my thoughts" in a modern arrangement, performed by a specialist of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work Artem Ivanov.

In the nomination for the best recitation of Shevchenko's works the 2nd year cadet of the faculty№1 Yana Svistun - "Perebendya", the 3rd year cadet of the faculty №2 Tetyana Kovaleva read an excerpt from the poem "Princess", the work "Cold Yar" was presented by the 2nd year cadet of the faculty№3 Vashchenko, cadets of the faculty № 4 Roman Romaniv and Maryna Proskurina read an excerpt from the poem-message "Both dead and alive". The nomination ended with a speech by Kristina Kostenko, a student of the faculty № 6, with the poem “Hosea. Chapter XIV ».

In the nomination "Original genre" creative performances were prepared by: 2nd year cadet of the faculty № 1 Vladislav Rogovyi, who read the famous poem "Testament" in five languages to the musical accompaniment of Valeria Plis. Choreographic compositions were performed by cadets of the faculty № 2 "Let's get freedom" and cadets of the faculty № 3 "Take, Cossack, bandura". Anastasia Chornyava, a 4th year cadet of the 4th faculty, prepared a vocal composition "My thoughts, thoughts". Students of the faculty № 6 invited the audience to watch the vocal and choreographic composition "Poplar".

Outside the competition program, a trio of bandura girls from Kharkiv Music School № 13 prepared their creative performances, and Vitaliy Naida, a master’s student of the № 1 faculty, performed an author’s work dedicated to the memory of the Great Kobzar. The Vice-Rector of the University Serhiy Bortnyk summed up the creative evening by reciting the poem "Both Dead and Alive…", which became, as Serhii Mykolayovych emphasized, a real testament of Kobzar.

After evaluating the creative performances of the contestants, the jury determined the winners. In the nomination "Recitation of Taras Shevchenko's works" the first place was taken by the cadet of the 2nd year of the faculty № 1 Yana Svistun, the second place - the cadet of the 3rd year of the faculty № 2 Tetyana Kovaleva, the third place - the student of the 1st year of the faculty № 6 Kristina Kostenko.

In the nomination "Original genre" the first place was awarded to the cadet of the 4th year of the faculty № 4 Anastasia Chornyava, the second place - to the creative team of the faculty № 2, the third place was taken by the creative team of the faculty № 6.

Serhii Bortnyk, Vice-Rector of the University, presented diplomas to the winners and laureates of the competition. Mykhailo Markovych, Honored Artist of Ukraine, soloist of Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic, thanked the rector of the university, the staff for the excellent organization and creative approach to the event, which "is so necessary for all of us, because Shevchenko's poetry is a spiritual testament he left to his descendants."