A binary lesson on the subject "Judicial and Law Enforcement Bodies of Ukraine" took place in Sumy branch of KhNUIA with the participation of a retired judge of the Commercial Court of Sumy region, teacher of the National School of Judges of Ukraine of Kharkiv, and Kyiv branches Irina Zaitseva.

Within the theme "Judicial system of Ukraine," 1st-year students got acquainted with the history of the court, the judicial system of Ukraine, the work of the commercial court at the present stage. Iryna Volodymyrivna shared the specifics of judges 'work, her practical experience in the field of judicial jurisprudence, and provided meaningful answers to students' questions.

Students note that such classes are not only interesting and informative but also become a powerful motivating factor for learning and mastering the skills of the future profession.

Sumy Branch of KhNUIA