An online meeting of the management of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and Faculty № 6 with the management, employees, and applicants for education of other educational institutions took place. The event was attended by the first vice-rector of the university, police colonel Dmytro Shvets, dean of the faculty № 6 Oksana Brusakova, adviser rector Viktor Slysh, deputy executive secretary of the admissions committee Maryna Davydova, representatives of other faculties and departments of the university.

During the online communication, the provisions on the conditions of admission to the faculty № 6 in 2021 for study financed by individuals and legal entities, as well as to the faculties №№ 1–4 of the university were explained; the staged educational process was explained. Faculty № 6 is a multidisciplinary structural unit of the university, at which full-time and part-time students are studied, including students from foreign countries. Training of specialists at the faculty is carried out in the specialties "Law", "Law Enforcement", "Psychology", "Cyber Security", "Finance, Banking and Insurance". University students are provided with a modern dormitory, which is located on the territory of the university. Students can study at the department of military training and after graduation, receive a military specialty "Moral and psychological support of the troops (forces) activities" and the military rank of "junior lieutenant of the reserve."

During the communication, the attention of future entrants was drawn to the benefits of studying at the university, as well as to the opportunities and prospects for further professional growth.