The seventh anniversary will be on 8 April of the liberation of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration from the separatists. Participants of those events, management, and cadets of the university gathered on the square of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. They honored the memory of all those who laid down their lives for Ukraine and recalled the events of spring 2014.

The rector of the university Valerii Sokurenko, Police General of the 3-rd rank, noted “loyalty to the Oath and official duty, courage and heroism helped the defenders of Ukrainian independence to survive. The anti-terrorist operation was led by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. Thanks to his decisive actions, extraordinary personal qualities of a leader, a devoted patriot, a citizen of his country, Kharkiv survived."

Among those who defended the Kharkiv Regional State Administration were representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - doctors and candidates of science, professors and associate professors, vice-rectors, employees of structural units, course officers led by the then rector of the university, Militia Colonel-General Serhii Husarov. Addressing the audience, he recalled the situation in Kharkiv and Ukraine, the actions and decisions of the local and central government, the mood in society. He also mentioned the memorable night of April 7-8. "Kharkiv residents have convincingly demonstrated that they are Ukrainians and want to live in their country. Everyone understood that the fate of Ukraine was being decided, and we had to persevere," Serhii Husarov stressed. Broken windows, doors, smoky and shattered offices, mutilated furniture, and office equipment - this is how Kharkiv residents saw the administration building in the morning. this is how, boldly and cynically hostile forces tried to turn Kharkiv region into a gray zone with no future - Kharkiv People's Republic.

Serhii Hirenko was also a participant in those events. Today he is the deputy dean of the faculty № 2 for educational and methodical work. "We defended our home, where children are born and grow up, our parents live. We defended our future, our right to live in our state," said the deputy dean.

Every year, Kharkiv residents remember the events that have become decisive in the history of our region, our state. We honor all those who, as part of the anti-terrorist operation / joint forces operation, defended and are defending the eastern borders of Ukraine, are serving, ensuring peace and tranquility of citizens.

All participants of the memorable events of 2014 were presented with the book of the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov "2014. Moments of Kharkiv spring". This book is a living history: chronicles, facts, documents, direct speech, as well as the author's analysis and philosophical understanding of the processes that took place in Kharkiv and the state, reflections on the future of Ukraine and the fate of its people.

After the event, video footage of that stormy night was viewed - harsh and unequivocal evidence of events that have already become history.