Senior lecturer of the Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Maryna Kolesnyk and lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines Tsvitana Baranova, together with the Head of the search and development of the materials of road traffic police management in the Sumy region Oleksandr Khudinov conducted a practical binary lesson on "Criminal offenses against the safety of transport and operation" for the first (bachelor) level of higher education "Law" students. 
Lecturers, together with students, analyzed the general provisions and types of criminal offenses provided for in the section XI of the special part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, emphasized the changes, which were made in 2021. Olexander Khudinov spoke in detail on the registration of police materials of the accident, acquainted the applicants with the statistics of road accidents in the Sumy region in 2020-2021, told about the latest changes in the traffic rules.
At the end of the lesson, Olexander Khudinov emphasized the attention of young people on tasks and functions of patrol police, the requirements for patrol policemen, the peculiarities of their training, situations that arise during the service.