We would like to invite the higher education applicants of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs to join the essay contest in English on the topic "Ukraine – Europe: directions of cooperation".

The contest is organized by the Department of International Cooperation and the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty No. 1 within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Information Campaign EUKrayina.

The volume of the essay is up to 2 pages.

Works should be sent by 12.00 am on May 13, 2021, to the e-mail address: icd@univd.edu.ua.

The results of the contest will be announced on May 14, 2021, on the official website of KhNUIA.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Department of International Cooperation of KhNUIA (icd@univd.edu.ua, 057-7398-096).