In Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs a panel discussion on the topic Interactive Online Cooperation Between Participants of the Educational Process was held for students. The event took place in a remote format using the Zoom platform, and was organized and conducted by Svitlana Hrybanova, a lecturer-methodologist of the department of natural sciences.
The panel discussion is designed to focus the cadets' attention on the important issue of involvement into scientific activities. Choosing different forms and methods of interaction between the participants of the educational process, it is vitally important not to forget to change the activity types, because when students get tired of monotony, they become uninterested and it
affects the effectiveness of learning. That is why in order to organize effective cooperation, especially during the team projects implementation, it is necessary to define the tasks correctly as
well as to choose the relevant forms of communication.
The cadets of the Avionics specialty Operation of Aviation Electrified Complexes took an active part in the discussion.

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs