Dear scientists! Science Day in Ukraine, which we celebrate every year, is a special holiday because it unites both experienced scientists and those who are just taking their first steps in science. Science is the main driving force of society and decisive in state development. It is a key component in the activities of our university, which is always at the forefront of reforms, introducing the latest educational technologies in the educational process, developing promising areas of modern policeistics, focusing on the best world standards.

The success of the institution of higher education is convincingly evidenced by its scientific ratings. Compared to the previous year, in 2020, Kharkiv National University rose by 28 positions in the ranking of universities according to Scopus, by 12 steps in terms of popularity on the Internet (unirank), and almost twice improved its own indicators in Ranking web of universities (webometrics). Citation rates increased by more than 2.5 thousand (according to the rating "Top universities by citations in top google scholar profiles"). The University Library is included in the Directory of University Libraries of the World, published by UniRank.

We are proud of our scientists, their noble work, which glorifies the native university. I am convinced that young people have an example to follow. We still have a lot of work to be done, new scientific discoveries and achievements. I wish everyone peace, good, harmony, good health, and creative inspiration for new achievements for the benefit of Ukraine!

Rector of Kharkiv National
University of Internal Affairs                                                    Valerii SOKURENKO