Being in court, particularly, in the context of the criminal justice, can be very stressful and event traumatic for children. To mitigate these effects, criminal proceedings should be adapted to children’s needs and their vulnerability, which includes conducting speedy trials, holding interviews and interrogations in a safe and friendly environment, providing access to free legal aid and to relevant psychological support.  

The current state of minors’ protection in criminal justice, challenges and recommendations for the improvement of the situation will be discussed during a presentation, timed to the occasion of the International Children’s Day on 1 June. The results of the pilot monitoring and research, conducted in 2020, on compliance of courts and guardianship authorities with the child-friendly justice standards in criminal proceedings will be presented. Participants will have a chance to dive into the real experiences of monitors and researchers, learn about the international standards and practices in children’s rights protection in criminal justice, and discuss concrete ways to improve the protection of children’s rights in Ukraine.

The event is open for everyone upon completion of the online registration form here
