9 - 19 September 2021
Wolfsburg, Germany

The aim of the youth exchange is to give the opportunity for youth from different backgrounds to reflect on diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue through fairy tales, to experience different methods of non-formal education in order to raise awareness about human rights and encourage developing soft skills needed in their personal and
professional life.

The objectives of the project:
• to raise youngsters’ awareness about European values and to help them to become more sensitive towards the actual global challenges;
• to promote inclusion, diversity, equality, solidarity, empathy and tolerance and to foster intercultural understanding between people of different origins;
• to equip youngsters with knowledge and tools about creative thinking, storytelling, public speaking, teamwork and other soft skills through non-formal methods of education;
• to create space for sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas with the atmosphere of common understanding between peers representing different cultures and
• to promote different opportunities under Erasmus + and the Youthpass as a tool for the recognition of non-formal competences.

 Who can participate ?
- Age : 18-30 years old, group leader 18+
- Able to speak English in order to contribute to the project
- Motivation to participate and contribute to the project
- For the group leader - previous experience in Erasmus + projects, willing to take responsibilities, lead sessions.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/stella.youth/posts/3321613431384707
