Exchange of cadets within the Ukraine Student Academic Mobility (SAM) Programme
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part and became one of the winners of the All-Ukrainian Academic Mobility Programme "Ukraine Student Academic Mobility (SAM)", which is a component of the EU House of Europe programme and is funded by the British Council.

University admission-2021
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To the attention of applicants for full-time and part-time forms of study at KhNUIA (at the expense of individuals and legal entities): registration of electronic cabinets of applicants and uploading the necessary documents began on July 1, 2021, at

Awareness is an important component in disease prevention
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Participant of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty № 1 cadet of group 106 Yuliia Shelest took online courses "5 steps to mental health during a pandemic" and "Coronavirus infection: facts against panic" on the largest educational platform in Ukraine "Prometheus".

The team of KhNUIA on shooting took second place in competitions for the Cup of memory of S.P. Karpenko
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The Training Center of the Main Department of the National Police in Kharkiv region hosted competitions for the Cup of Kharkiv regional organization of sports society "Dynamo" and MD NP in the Kharkiv region in shooting from combat weapons (pistol) in memory of S.P. Karpenko.

Eternal memory to the hero!
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Recently, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was visited by the relatives of a university graduate who died in eastern Ukraine, Deputy Company Commander of the Azov National Guard of Ukraine Regiment, Senior Lieutenant Dmytro Pruhlo. Dmytro's mother Kateryna Zubkova and a stepfather Ihor Isenko visited the university museum, where a memorial plaque was unveiled in Dmytro's honor.

The university continues cooperation with Azerbaijan on the implementation of educational projects
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At the invitation of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Kharkiv, the First Vice-Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police Colonel Dmytro Shvets, and the Dean of Faculty № 6 Oksana Brusakova met with Study Lab Head Liaman Abasbeili and Director of the Ukrainian Center in Baku Rustam Kuliiev. During the meeting, the parties confirmed their intentions to continue and develop cooperation.

A competition has been announced to fill vacancies
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" announces a competition to fill vacant positions of research and teaching staff.

Library of KhNUIA received copies of "Guidelines for the integration of gender approaches into the training system for the security and defense sector of Ukraine"
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Advisor to the Rector for Gender Issues, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Oksana Tsukan presented to the University Library "Guidelines for the integration of gender approaches into the training system for the security and defense sector of Ukraine."

Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership helped to find a missing person
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Participants of the Center for Social Projects of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs 1st-year cadet of the Faculty № 1 Polina Suslova and 2nd-year cadets of the Faculty № 1 Ihor Sumin and Viacheslav Statskyi in cooperation with the search team "Liza Alert" took part in the search people in the village Kulynychi, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region.

Participation of representatives of the School of Scientific Leadership in online lectures on information security
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Participant of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty № 1 Krystyna Koval within the Media Literacy School took part in a series of open online lectures from expert organizations of Ukraine "Hybrid war against Ukraine: key players, operations and narratives" and "How to safely consume information on Facebook".