Training of police officers in the context of reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
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On the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Training of police officers in the context of reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine" took place online.

KhNUIA Cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Regional Programme Office for Eastern Europe countries
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A meeting with the management of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Regional Programme Office for Eastern Europe countries took place at KhNUIA. 

The university hosted a country quiz in English
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Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 1 Nataliia Krasnova and Lecturer of the same Department Hanna Babak prepared and conducted a country quiz "Do you know the countries which languages you study?". The event was attended by cadets and first-year students, faculties №№1-4 and № 6.

Activities of the School of Scientific Leadership
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The School of Scientific Leadership, Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has been actively working for eight months. During this time, the participants, including first- and second-year cadets, faculty № 1, took part in 158 webinars, 51 courses, 44 scientific and practical conferences and sent essays, posters, videos to 61 national and international competitions.

Seminar on "Academic Integrity"
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Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity, Faculty № 6, KhNUIA, Doctor of Law, Professor Olha Hetmanets held a seminar "Academic Integrity" for lecturers of the same department and third-year students majoring in "Finance, Banking, and Insurance".

Explosives technicians conducted classes with freshmen of the faculty № 3
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For freshmen of the faculty № 3 (preventive activities) of KhNUIA, employees of Explosives Service Unit of Main Department of National Police in Kharkiv region conducted a practical lesson.

Attention scientists!
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Today the VI International scientific and practical conference "Training of Police Officers in the Context of Reforming the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine" will take place at 10.00 at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

You can join the conference on the Zoom platform at:

Career Guidance Work of Representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College with High School Students
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Lecturers of the economics and management department of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Maryna Kharchenko, Olena Chernikhova, Olena Bondarets, Nataliia Vodolazska, Liudmyla Khyl, and specialist Mariia Yanenko visited educational institutions of Kremenchuk, gymnasiums №№ 3, 19, 20, 24, 28, Taras Shevchenko Lyceum № 5, boarding lyceum № 21 “START”.

To the All-Ukrainian Charitable Action "Heart to Heart"
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Employees, cadets, and students of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA joined the All-Ukrainian Charitable Action "Heart to Heart". Specialists of the department of social-humanitarian, educational and vocational work, representatives of the cadet-student council of flight college took part in the event organization.

Representatives of Flight College Joined the Events on European Values
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Employees and representatives of cadet-student self-government of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Oksana Savchenko, Maryna Petchenko, Nataliia Kitsel, Yevheniia Shatravka, and Mark Kotelevych took part in a video conference on European Values.