The cadets of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, who are participants of the all-Ukrainian academic mobility program "Student Academic Mobility Ukraine" visited the National Scientific Center «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute» (NSCFSI).

The purpose of the excursion is to acquaint applicants for education - future investigators with the capabilities and technical equipment of leading expert institutions of Kharkiv Region. Vitalii Romaniuk, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-Trial Investigation, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Police Lieutenant Colonel, and Vasyl Korniienko, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Science, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Police Lieutenant Colonel, organized the event. The cadets got acquainted with the structure of the scientific and expert institution, areas of activity, as well as visited museums.

The Research and Applied Museum of the Institute demonstrates the history of the development of forensic expert research and the present; it preserves the historical heritage of outstanding scientists who laid the foundation of modern expertise and made significant contributions to its development. Each museum exhibit is a unique source of information and a reflection of its era. The cadets got acquainted with the following expositions: "Photozone: Bertillon", "Interactive area: fingerprinting", "History of the foundation, formation and development of NSCFSI", "Gemmological research", "Art studies", "Handwriting research", "Expert equipment", "Research of paper money", "Research of bladed weapon", "Research of firearms", "Biological research", "Gifts for NSCFSI", "The current state of international, educational and scientific activities of NSCFSI".

In the end, NSCFSI specialists demonstrated some methods of expert research, in particular, preliminary research of amber by organoleptic method, and methods of picking experimental samples of human fingerprints. Applicants for education were impressed by the demonstrated material and technical base and exhibits, asked questions and received comprehensive answers. Visitors thanked the management and staff of NSCFSI for the excursion.

The Student Academic Mobility Program (SAM Ukraine) is part of the "House of Europe" program and is funded by the European Union with the involvement of the British Council.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA