Representatives of KhNUIA conducted a training for schoolchildren on the dangers of drug consumption

The risk of drug abuse by adolescence always exists. And this fact is extremely confusing both for parents, teachers and law enforcement officials. The aim of the pilot project, which started at the end of September, is to protect the youth from bad habits and inform them about the harmful effects of dangerous substances usage.

Athletes of KhNUIA are among the winners of the track and field championship

The KRO (Kharkiv region organization) PST (Physical sport team) «Dynamo», track and field cross championship took place, in which cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part. The competition was held on the basis of the HONP (Head Office of the National Police) Training Center in Kharkiv region.

Sportsmen of the University won the top places in Thai boxing competition

The Ukrainian Youth Thai Boxing Championship took place in Zaporizhia. It was attended by 300 athletes from 32 sports clubs of 12 regions of Ukraine. The cadets of  Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs successfully competed and took the top places. 

Achievements of University athletes in the Ukrainian Kickboxing Championship

The WTKA Kickboxing Championship of Ukraine took place in Dnipro. Athletes of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the event. By the results of the competition, they took the top places.

A panel discussion on effective communication within the # UN75 initiative took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

A panel discussion on effective communication within the # UN75 initiative took place at the language center of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Representatives of the university, Sumy branch of KhNUIA, UN agencies in Ukraine participated in it with the help of online communication.

Faculty No. 1 became a winner No. 1 in the ranking of assessment activity of the educational units of the university

The ranking assessment of the activity of the educational units of the university for the 2-nd semester of 2019/2020 academic year was held under the provisions on the ranking assessment of the activity of the educational units of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and with the purpose of objective quality analysis of compliance with the core principles of activity of the educational units, improvement of the effectiveness of learning, methodic, scientific and creative activity of educational units, departments and training groups.

Studying the European experience of crime investigation

Cadets of Faculty № 2 and teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the online webinar "Investigation of crimes related to human trafficking". The event was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of the University with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission.

First-year students have got acquainted with Kharkiv

Guided tours “Kharkiv is a city, where I study”, started for first-year students, these tours were organized with the support of the trade union organization of the university. Tours were supplied by comfortable buses and they were conducted while meeting quarantine requirements. The previously-developed route included the main historical-cultural and architectural monuments and recognized symbols of Kharkiv.

The cadets of the university got acquainted with the peculiarities of the Finnish police work

Third-year cadets of Faculty №1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with Larysa Sazanova and Anatolii Korshenko, senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty № 1, took part in the webinar "Protection of police officers’ rights during their tasks (Finnish approach)". The event was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of the KhNUIA with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine.

The Celebration of Graduating Cadets 2020

The celebration of graduating cadets took place at the University. 453 cadets graduated on generally accepted European standard.