Valerii Sokurenko, Rector of KhNUIA: "Vyshyvanka is a symbol of our invincibility, our will, it is the genetic code of the Ukrainian people"

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held celebrations on the occasion of the Vyshyvanka Day. The university staff in national costumes, cadets and students celebrated this day in all cities where the university is located. Rector Valerii Sokurenko congratulated the staff.

The final meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-trial Investigation was held

The Dean of the Faculty Vitalii Romaniuk and the Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-trial Investigation of the Faculty No. 1 Tetiana Fomina thanked the members of the group for their fruitful work and summarized the results of the academic year.

Instructional training on compliance with the Traffic Rules was held

Within the framework of the 7th Global Road Safety Week, instructional and preventive classes on compliance with traffic rules and road safety were organized for employees, cadets, and master's students of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Professional development of university lecturers

Yuliia Zahumenna, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty No. 1, took an online advanced training course from the NGO Progressive on the topic "Progressive Teaching: Components of the Higher Education Quality System".

Academic integrity of higher education students

Olena Yushkevych, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, together with the cadets of the curatorial group of the Faculty No. 1, took an online course "Academic Integrity at the University" organized by the International Renaissance Foundation.

A judge of the City District Court conducted a binary lesson for cadets

Iryna Nechaieva, a lecturer at the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-trial Investigation of Faculty No. 1, together with Kseniia Shulha, a judge of Kamianets-Podilskyi City District Court of Khmelnytskyi Region, conducted a binary lesson for cadets of Group 303 of Faculty No. 1 as part of the Criminal Procedure course.

High school students of Klishkovetska territorial community got acquainted with the university

Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs met with students of grades 10-11 at the premises of Leonid Kadeniuk Klishkovetska basic educational institution with the assistance of Alla Koval, Head of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Culture, Tourism, Social Protection of the Population of Klishkovetska Territorial Community of Dniester District of Chernivtsi Region.

Introductory meetings of the School of Scientific Leadership with first-year cadets

The School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held introductory meetings with first-year cadets of the Faculty No. 1 and Faculty No. 4 of the University. During the meeting with the students of the Faculty No. 1, the Head of the School Vitalii Naida noted that the formation of the School of Scientific Leadership of the University began from this faculty, and the directions of work were determined, some of which were laid down by the students themselves.

To the castle - for a cleanup

Students of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of KhNUIA took part in an environmental cleanup on the territory of the main attractions of the city - the castles of Kamianets-Podilskyi. The youth together with the concerned residents of the city cleaned the New and Old Castles from the garbage that had accumulated over the winter.

Optional lesson on special physical training

Lecturers of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3 of KhNUIA conducted an optional lesson on special physical training for 1st year cadets of the Faculty No. 1. The lesson was aimed at developing physical abilities, forming motor skills, abilities and volitional traits necessary to ensure self-defense in situations involving danger to life and health.