The new academic year has begun

The new academic year began with a lecture on the topic "Ukraine is a unified country" for cadets and students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
The purpose of the lecture is to form civic qualities, a sense of pride, patriotism, national dignity and love to Ukraine.

Cadets of the combat training watched the film “Ilovaisk 2014. Donbass Battalion”

On the occasion of the memorable date, August 29, for the first-year cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, who are undergoing combat training, a screening of the feature film "Ilovaisk 2014. Donbass Battalion" was organized.

Freshmen of the university took part in sports competitions

Sports competitions, in which freshmen of the university took part, were dedicated to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. At each faculty of the university, boys and girls competed in running at different distances, weightlifting, pull-ups on the crossbar, flexion and extension of the arms while lying down, tug of war, and played football and volleyball.

University cadets help in the search for missing people

Cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs are constantly involved in the search for missing people. Recently, Daryna Zavrichko, a third-year cadet of the Faculty 2, took part in a search for a woman who got lost in the village of Vodiane, Kharkiv Region.

The cadets of the University became the winners and prize-winners of the Turboran track and field race

The Turboran track and field race took place in Kharkiv, where the members of the national team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in athletics took part. According to the results of the competition, the athletes of the university took the top places.

The cadets of the faculty № 3 went on a hike to the Suvorov’s spring

The first-year cadets of the faculty № 3 and the section of special physical training together with the management of the faculty went on a hike to the Suvorov’s spring. The event is timed to the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine. The route starts from the city of Chuhuiv.

Athletes of KhNUIA are among the winners of the Ukrainian polyathlon championship

The summer polyathlon championship of Ukraine (adults, juniors, youths) took place in Lutsk. 26 teams from different regions of Ukraine took part in the competition. The cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the team of Kharkiv region.

The holiday of the last bell was celebrated by graduates of Lyceum "Law enforcement officer"

Solemn events were held on the occasion of the graduation of students of the Lyceum "Law enforcement officer". The festivities traditionally began with the laying of flowers at the monument to the fallen law enforcement officers. Together with the lyceum students, all those present observed a moment of silence for those who laid down their lives in the line of duty.

The title of "Best Law Enforcement Officer" was won by the faculty team №3

The competition for the title of "Best Law Enforcement Officer" ended at the university, in which five teams from the faculties №№ 1-4 and the Institute of Postgraduate Education took part. According to the results of the assessment of the correctness of the tasks, the winner and prize-winners of the competition were determined.

University athletes became prize winners of the Cossack Dvobii World Cup

The Cossack Dvobii World Cup took place in Odesa, in which the university athletes took part. The 2nd-year cadet of Faculty № 3 Vladyslav Nikishchenko took third place according to the results of the competition, the 3rd-year student of Faculty № 6 Sabukhi Nuruiev took second place.