Students of Kharkiv Patent and Computer College were invited to study at KhNUIA

Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of Faculty No.6 Olha Hetmanets, Professors of the Department Iryna Sievidova and Yuliia Kyrychenko, lecturer of the Department Olha Sievidova as well as Methodist of Faculty No.6 Olexandr Shulgin, Inspector of Faculty No.3 Daria Balash and the third-year student of Faculty No.6 Olha Savostina visited Kharkiv Patent and Computer College with the purpose of career guidance work and spoke to the Director of the college Serhii Lutsenko and graduate students.

Training Seminar "Academic integrity of higher education seekers"

An associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Faculty No. 3 Victoriia Dotsenko conducted the first of three planned training seminars “Academic Integrity of Applicants” for applicants for higher education who are graduating from the University in 2021 on educational and professional program "Psychology" (juvenile prevention psychologist).

Practical training with cadets on tactics of action in case of intense fire contact

The employees of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Associate Professor Ihor Vlasenko and Lecturers, Police Captain Tykhon Shevchenko and Senior Police Lieutenant Oleksandr Skliar conducted  the optional practical lesson on tactical and special training on the topic "Practice of certain tactical actions of the employees of the National Police in case of intensive fire contact".

Achievements of the University cadets in athletics competitions

The athletes of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs participated in Kharkiv Regional Indoor Athletics Championship, which took place at the arena of Public Institution “Complex Children and Youth Sports School “KhTP” of Kharkiv Regional Council.

The personal master's student placement took place at KhNUIA.

The personal master's student placement of the Faculty No. 1 and Faculty No. 3 took place at KhNUIA. Thirty graduates who studied in the specialties “Law” (14 people) and “Law Enforcement Activity” (16 people) were sent for further service to the interregional and territorial agencies of the National Police of Donetsk, Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson and other regions of Ukraine.

Interaction with Practical Units of the National Police

Alona Bakhaieva, Lecturer of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty No.3, held the meeting of the cadets of the Faculty No. 3 with Olesia Ponomarenko, an operative officer of the Kharkiv Region Police Department No. 2 of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv Region.

Vocational guidance meeting with schoolchildren

Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - Inspector of the Faculty No. 3 Daria Balash and Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Olena Petlenko - visited Kharkiv Secondary School of I-III grades No.11 and talked to 11th grade students.

Acquaintance of cadets with the history of Kharkiv region

The cadets of the study group 409 of the faculty № 3 together with the curator, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Viktoriia Dotsenko, visited the Historical Museum of Kharkiv, where they got acquainted with the exhibition "At the Crossroads of Centuries. Archeology of the region".

Career guidance meeting with students of the "Cadet Corps"

Associate Professor of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration Vadym Seliukov held career guidance meetings with cadets of the State Boarding School with enhanced military and physical training "Cadet Corps". During the conversation, the conditions of admission and study at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs were explained.

Career guidance activities in Kharkiv schools

Employees of faculties № 3 and № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Oleksandr Shulhin, Daria Balash and Tetiana Khvorost visited Kharkiv secondary schools of I-III grades № 2 and № 49 and talked to students of 9-11 grades.