KhNUIA cadets and master's students received awards for sports achievements

The Vice-Rector of the University, Chairman of the Board of the NGO "FSC "Univer-Dynamo", Police Colonel Serhii Bortnyk presented Honorary Awards, Acknowledgements and Diplomas for high achievements and assistance in the development of sports to the cadets of faculties №№ 1-4, master's students of faculty № 1, who are members of the national teams of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in sambo wrestling, kettlebell lifting, athletics, volleyball.

The Heavenly Hundred: Heroes do not die

On the occasion of honoring the feat of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity and perpetuating the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, cadets of the parade calculation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in laying flowers at the monument to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred - "Tree of Freedom" in Vinnytsia.

Lectures dedicated to the Day of the State Emblem of Ukraine

Thematic video lectures on the occasion of the Day of the State Emblem of Ukraine were held for higher education students of the Faculties №1-4 and №6. They were conducted by Olha Vinnychuk, Candidate of Political Sciences, Head of the Department of Political Science and Philosophy of  Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, and Andrii Prokhorov, specialist of the Leisure Department of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work of KhNUIA.

Representatives of the Faculty No. 3 introduce high school students to the police profession

Hryhorii Dzhahupov, Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work, and Daniil Zinchenko, 2nd year Master's student, together with Viktor Slysh, Assistant to the Rector, held an online career guidance meeting with graduates of general secondary education institutions in Zaporizhzhia region with the participation of representatives of the personnel support of the Main Department of the National Police in Zaporizhzhia region.

Binary lesson on tactical and special training

Inspector of the Patrol Police Unit in Kryvyi Rih of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Dnipro Oblast, Senior Police Lieutenant Kostiantyn Kovalov, Police Officer of the District Police Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kirovohrad Oblast, Senior Police Sergeant Vladyslav Liubanenko, together with Senior Lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty № 3 of KhNUIA, Police Captain Oleksandr Skliar, conducted a binary training session.

Curatorial hour

The cadets of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with the curator, professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Svitlana Kharchenko visited the monument to the outstanding Ukrainian writer, public figure, one of the organizers of the Brotherhood of Tarasivtsi, Mykhailo Mykhailovych Kotsiubynskyi, who was born on September 17, 1864 in Vinnytsia.

Assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The permanent and variable staff of the Faculty No. 3 continues to be actively engaged in volunteer activities. This time, disposable chemical hot water bottles and bright patriotic drawings were delivered to a military unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, whose soldiers are heroically and courageously defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country in Kupiansk direction.

Participants of the online course received certificates

Olena Dzhafarova, Head of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration, Serhii Shatrava, Head of the Research Laboratory for Pre-trial Investigation, and Daniil Zinchenko, a Master's student of the Faculty No. 3, completed the Council of Europe's HELP online course on Child-Centered Justice.

Cadets attended a charity concert

Natalia Miloradova, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, together with the curatorial group of the Faculty No. 3, attended the charity concert "Melt the Snow" at Vinnytsia Academic Regional Puppet Theater "Golden Key".

Visiting the concert "Cossacks of Podillia"

The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized a concert in Vinnytsia Regional Philharmonic named after M. D. Leontovych, which presented the famous academic song and dance ensemble from Khmelnytskyi - "Cossacks of Podillia".