Video lecture for students dedicated to the Day of Heroes of Kruty

Kruty is one of the tragic and at the same time legendary pages in the history of the Ukrainian liberation struggle of 1917-1921. The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized a thematic video lecture for applicants for higher education of the Faculties №№ 1-4.

Verification of cadets' internships and training on the job continues

Employees of the educational and methodological department of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited the units of Kharkiv regional police, where 2nd, 3rd and 4th year cadets of Faculties №№ 1-4 undergo training practice and internships under the guidance of mentors - police officers of Kharkiv region.

Career guidance work with high school students of Chernihiv region

Specialist Hryhorii Lysiak, Faculty № 3, and Deputy Dean of the Faculty № 2 Bohdan Ivaniuk, together with Assistant to the Rector Viktor Slysh, with the participation of Nataliia Pohrebniak, a leading specialist in the personnel support sector of Pryluky District Police Department of Chernihiv Oblast Police, held an online career guidance meeting with graduates of general secondary education institutions in Pryluky, Chernihiv Oblast.

University representatives improve their professional level

Olena Dzhafarova, Head of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Law, Professor, Lieutenant Colonel of Police, and Daniil Zinchenko, a Master's student of Faculty No. 3, took online courses of the Council of Europe under the HELP program on Family Law and Human Rights.

Lecture for medical professionals on cyber defense issues

Senior police lieutenants Daniil Zinchenko and Yaroslava Liubutina, who are students of the Master's program at Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held a lecture for employees of Pirohov Regional Hospital in Vinnytsia on topical issues of cybersecurity and information protection.

Honoring the heroes of Kruty

On January 29, the Ukrainian public commemorates the Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of Kruty. More than 100 years ago, young defenders of the newly formed Ukrainian People's Republic wrote a new heroic page in the history of the Ukrainian liberation movement with their own blood. The Battle of Kruty occupies a prominent place in the national historical memory.

Representatives of KhNUIA are winners and prize-winners of the ICO Combat Self-Defense Championship

Cadets and master's students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the open championship of Khmelnytskyi region in ICO self-defense combat among young men and older men, girls and adults (light contact), which took place in Kamianets-Podilskyi.

Video tutorial for future police officers created

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has produced a video tutorial "Tactical and Specialized Training of Police Officers in the Conditions of Martial Law and in the Post-War Period".

On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work held educational events for higher education students of the Faculties №№ 1-4 and № 6 at the locations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in Vinnytsia and Kamianets-Podilskyi with the participation of Leonid Trachtenberh, Director of Vinnytsia Holocaust Museum, and Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Relations, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after I. Ohiienko, Vasyl Kobylnyk.

Care and concern are our shared responsibility

The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work together with the employees of the Psychological Support Department of the University's Human Resources Department held a meeting with cadets of the Faculties №№ 1-4 who are orphans or children deprived of parental care who lost their relatives in the Russian-Ukrainian war.