Meeting with graduates of Rukshynskyi Lyceum

As part of career guidance activities, Oksana Melnychuk, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of the Faculty № 2, and Diana Kirika, Associate Professor of the Department of Police and Public Administration of the Faculty № 3, met with 11th grade students of Rukshynskyi Lyceum in Chernivtsi region.

University students competed in Counter Strike

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a competition in the e-sports discipline "Counter Strike 1.6", in which 16 teams of the Faculties No. 2 and No. 3 took part.

Studying the tragic pages of the past

Higher education applicants of the Faculties 2 and 3 of KhNUIA took part in the information and educational event "Causes and Spiritual and Moral Consequences of the Holodomor in Ukraine" held in Vinnytsia Regional Scientific Universal Library named after V. Otamanovskyi.

Lyceum students were told about studying at KhNUIA

Senior lecturers of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3 of KhNUIA Mykhailo Inshekov and Iryna Shutiak held a career guidance meeting with 10-11th grade lyceum students of Kamianets-Podilskyi Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training in Khmelnytskyi region.

Employees, cadets and students of the University were awarded and presented with diplomas

During the meeting of the Academic Council, the employees and students of the University were awarded. Rector of the University, Police General of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko presented the awards and wished them new achievements in their official and professional activities.

Presentation of the scientific publication for the action "16 Days Against Violence"

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty No. 3 presented a collective monograph "Domestic Violence: Psychological Prerequisites, Help, Counteraction". The publication deals with the current state of socio-psychological, pedagogical and legal aspects of the problem of domestic violence.

Combining career guidance and educational work with youth

Alona Bakhaieva, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration, together with community police officers of Vinnytsia Regional Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Vinnytsia Region, Dmytro Dzyharskyi and Andrii Honchar, as well as cadets of Faculty No. 3, held a career guidance event for students of grades 10 and 11 of Agronomic Lyceum of Agronomic Village Council of Vinnytsia District.

About women's rights during the war by the language of cinema

As part of the 16 Days Against Violence campaign, the staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Faculty № 3 organized and held a meeting with cadets of all courses of the Faculty № 3 majoring in Psychology. They watched the documentary film The ABCs, provided by the Docudays UA film club DUMAI!

Career guidance meetings in Kalynivka, Vinnytsia region

Olena Chornous, Head of the Recruiting and Career Guidance Department, together with representatives of the Faculty № 3, held meetings with graduates of Kalynivka Lyceum № 2 of Kalynivka City Council of Vinnytsia Oblast and Kalynivka Technological Vocational College.

Cadets supported the international action "16 Days of Activism Against Violence"

The event was held in support of those who have experienced or are experiencing traumatic experiences related to the hostilities in Ukraine to draw attention to crimes of violence committed by the Russian military. The charity race was attended by cadets of the Faculties № 2 and № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs