Vyshyvanka Day unites Ukrainians around the world

Vyshyvanka Day was celebrated online at the Faculty № 6, Department of Law and Mass Communications. Dean of the Faculty № 6, Doctor of Law Oksana Brusakova addressed the audience with an introductory speech.

Career guidance work of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure

Volodymyr Kroitor, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 6, met with the administration of the Military High School of Soloniansk Village Council, Dnipropetrovsk region.

The staff of the Center for Administrative Services of Mizhhiria village was introduced to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Iryna Siadrysta, Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the Faculty № 6, held a career guidance meeting with the management and employees of the Center for Administrative Services of Mizhhiria village, Zakarpatskyi region.  

Final lesson on Commercial Law

Head of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security Olha Hetmanets and Associate Professor of the Department Iryna Siadrysta held a final lesson for students on «Commercial Law».

Features of certification of land contracts under martial law

Oleksii Shumilо, Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security, conducted a dual lesson on environmental law for four groups of the Faculty № 6 with the participation of private notary of Sumy City Notary District Anna Lysenko on the peculiarities of land contracts admission under martial law.

Lecture on the mechanisms of compensation for lost property

For students and lecturers of the Faculty № 6 there was a lecture on "Compensation for damaged or lost property as a result of hostilities related to the military aggression of the Russian Federation".

Career guidance work of the Department of Law Enforcement Activity and Policeistics

Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6 Daria Tykhonova visited Kremenchuk Lyceum № 10 "Linvist" of Kremenchuk City Council of Kremenchuk district, Poltava region.

Career guidance work

Valeriia Samotievych, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 6, held an online meeting with the representatives of the North-Eastern Interregional Department for the Execution of Punishments, which authority extends to Kharkiv, Poltava and Sumy regions

Human dignity in wartime

Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Tetiana Bilous participated in a lecture given by a judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Halyna Yurovska on "Human Dignity in Wartime" via online platform ZOOM. 

Distance learning continues

Head of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6 Iryna Panova and Associate Professor of the same Department Mariia Kluban conducted online defense of term papers of third-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education "Law Enforcement" in the discipline "Administrative Activity".