Career guidance work of students with the assistance of curators

Students conducted career guidance work in social networks Facebook and Instagram   with the assistance of curators - Yuliia Doroshenko, Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of the Faculty № 6, and Yuliia Mytrofanova, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 6. Lecturers and students posted career guidance materials on their pages and consulted interested persons. 

To the attention of students and lecturers of KhNUIA!

A lecture on the topic "Compensation for damaged or lost property as a result of hostilities related to the military aggression of the Russian Federation" will be held on May 16, 2022 at 10.00 a.m. for students and lecturers of the Faculty № 6 of KhNUIA with the assistance of the Dean of the Faculty Oksana Brusakova. The lecture will be given by Roman Chumak, a Lawyer and Managing Partner of "Ares" Law Firm.


Meeting of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security

An online meeting of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the Faculty  № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was held using the Zoom platform. 

Review online lectures for graduation courses of educational institutions

Daria Tykhonova, Associate Professor of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6, and Daria Hlushkova, Lecturer of the same Department, conducted an online lecture on the topic "Human rights and their protection under martial law" for students of the Higher Vocational School № 7, Kremenchuk, Poltava Region using the Zoom platform. 

Career guidance work in Cherkasy Region

Yurii Zhornokui, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty № 6, met with Tetiana Karlo, Deputy Mayor of Smila, Cherkasy Region. 

Scheme-therapy: basic principles of work in the practice of psychological counseling and self-help

For students-psychologists of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6, a binary lesson was held on the topic "Scheme-therapy: basic principles of work in the practice of psychological counseling and self-help". 

Lecture for students on transport insurance

For students and lecturers of the Faculty № 6, a lecture on the topic "Transport insurance and its types" was held. It was conducted by the sales manager of the Unika SC Volodymyr Kvytko. Students learned a lot of useful information and received answers to their questions.

Working meeting on career guidance work

The management of the Faculty № 6 held a working meeting with the Heads of Departments and those responsible for vocational guidance work from departments. As the Dean of the Faculty, Oksana Brusakova noted, the issues of vocational guidance have always been important, but under the current conditions, when the state is at war, this work requires even greater activity and perseverance of all faculty employees without exception: from the heads of departments to directly those responsible for this area of activity. 

Career guidance work of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics

Associate Professor of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6, PhD of Law Maria Cluban held a vocational meeting in Manevich Lyceum № 2 of Manevich Settlement Council of Kamin-Kashirskyi district of Volyn region.


We help to choose a profession for graduates of Cherkasy region

The meeting of the professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the Faculty № 6 Valentyna Zhornokui with the Director of  Cherkasy Gymnasium № 31 Serhii Shamara was held.