All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Ukraine of the XX-XXI centuries in the context of world history"

The Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with the Department of Ukrainian Studies of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy of Human Communication and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the State Biotechnology University held the XVII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Ukraine of the XX-XXI Centuries in the Context of World History".

From idea to patent: implementation of scientific research of KhNUIA in practice

Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine took part in the all-army competition "Best Invention of the Year" organized by the Central Research Institute of Arms and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

High school students of Poltava region were invited to study at the university

Anna Naumova, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty No. 6, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, held a career guidance meeting with the graduating students of Chutivska Secondary School of I-III degrees of Chutivska Village Council of Poltava District, Poltava Region.

Tolerance in the modern world

In November-December, as part of career guidance activities, lecturers of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with master's students conducted interactive online seminars "Tolerance in the Modern World" with students of the final grades of lyceums in Kharkiv and Vatutinskyi Lyceum of Novovodolazkyi Village Council of Kharkiv Oblast.

Meeting with the leadership of Kharkiv lyceum

Olha Hetmanets, Head of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held an online meeting with Tetiana Polozhyi, Director of Kharkiv Lyceum № 70 of Kharkiv City Council.

Career guidance work in Kharkiv

Iryna Nechytailo, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty № 6, and Nataliia Tkachenko, Senior Lecturer of the same department, held an online meeting with future graduates of Kharkiv secondary schools №№ 78, 144, 154, 151, 90, 44 of Kharkiv City Council.

Our strength is in unity

Helping and doing everything necessary to make every defender feel cared for and safe is the duty of everyone who wants to bring us closer to victory. Some do it with arms in hand, while others travel thousands of kilometers to bring aid to the frontline

Participation in the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference

Oksana Maliutina, Head of the Preparatory Department of the Faculty No. 6, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of KhNUIA, took part in the III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Online Conference "Innovative Practices of Scientific Education". She made a presentation "The historical experience of the Ukrainian Cossacks as a component of modern national and patriotic education".

Improving professional skills by lecturers of KhNUIA

Iryna Antol, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took an online course "Protecting the Rights of Whistleblowers" through the platform of massive open online courses of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (

Binary lesson on the judicial system of Ukraine

Employees of the Department of Fundamental and Legal Disciplines of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Associate Professor Stanislav Pevko and Lecturer Kseniia Hurtova, conducted a binary class with the participation of court employee Kateryna Bobrovnyk, an assistant judge.