Justice in times of war

A guest lecture on "Special regime of criminal proceedings under martial law (Article 615 of the CPC of Ukraine) and its direct application under martial law" was held for students of Faculty No. 6, by Senior Investigator of Kharkiv District Police Department No. 1 of the Main Department of the National Police in Kharkiv Region, Police Captain Kateryna Khmelivska.

Participation of students in the All-Ukrainian action

The students of the Faculty № 6 of KhNUIA with their supervisor - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 6 Yulia Mytrofanova joined the All-Ukrainian action "16 Days Against Violence"

Cyberviolence became the topic of an open lecture

Kateryna Mannapova, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held an open lecture for students and teachers on the topic of cyberviolence as part of the All-Ukrainian action "16 Days Against Violence".

Meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day

Corruption is a complex social, political and economic phenomenon that destroys democratic institutions, slows down economic development and undermines public interests. No country, no region, no society is immune from corruption. The International Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated on December 9 in connection with the anniversary of the opening for signature of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, which is one of the main international anti-corruption documents.

Donated blood for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

First-year students of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs joined the charity event "Give Blood - Save Lives" in Khmelnytskyi region. The young men and women donated blood and its components for the Ukrainian military, who are courageously defending our country.

Binary lesson with an expert in Public Relations

Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology Iryna Nechitailo organized a binary lesson as part of the course "Public Relation", which is taught to master's students of the educational and professional program "Psychology (Practical Psychology)". Viktoriia Kryzhanivska, PR specialist and Deputy Director of the Center for Public Relations of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, was involved in the class.

Students were told about preventing and combating domestic violence

The Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs organized a lecture "The Right to Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence" dedicated to the International Human Rights Day as part of the All-Ukrainian Law Week. The lecture was attended by teachers and high school students of Lyceum № 138 in Kharkiv.

Children's rights and their protection during martial law

As part of the Law Week, Yulia Pinchuk, a senior lecturer at the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6, held an online lecture on "Children's Rights and Their Protection During Martial Law" for students of municipal institutions - Kharkiv Lyceums № 103 and № 167 of Kharkiv City Council.

Binary lesson in the discipline "Qualification of criminal offenses against public safety and public order"

Representatives of the Faculty No. 6 of KhNUIA - Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology, Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor Valentyna Korzh and Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Anna Naumova - conducted a binary lesson for students

Online meeting with students dedicated to the All-Ukrainian action "16 Days Against Violence"

Daria Korobtsova, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of Faculty № 6, held an online meeting with the curatorial group on the topic "My Favorite World - Without Violence" dedicated to the All-Ukrainian action "16 Days Against Violence".