The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Science and Pre-Medical Training of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs conducted vocational guidance activities in the established educational institutions of Kharkiv City and Krasnohrad District of Kharkiv Region.

Vlada Husieva, Police Major, Assistant Professor of the Department, conducted a vocational guidance meeting in a format of video conference with pupils of 10th and 11th grades of Kharkiv Gymnasium No.34.

Svitlana Knyzhenko, Assistant Professor of the Department, Police Lieutenant Colonel met with the pedagogical staff and graduate pupils of Kharkiv specialized school of I-III grades No.114.

Yevhenii Zozulia, Lecturer of the Department, Police Major talked with a principal of Krasnohrad educational complex (secondary education institution of I-III grades - preschool education institution) No. 2 Ivan Shokodko and the representative of the education department of Krasnograd district state administration of Kharkiv Region Oksana Vasylenko.

Representatives of the Department provided information on the conditions of admission to the university, Faculties and specialties for which specialists are trained at KhNUIA. They told about the possibility of electronic registration of candidates who want to study in higher education institutions with specific training conditions through the portal of the National Police ( They also drew the attention of future entrants who want to join the ranks of cadets, to the need to register a candidate’s personal file for training by contacting the recruitment center of the National Police at the place of registration (residence).

Representatives of the university answered the questions of youth about the material base, study conditions, life and leisure of cadets and students of the university.

Future graduates learned about the opportunities that university students have to realize their abilities in scientific, creative and sports activities, as well as the benefits of higher education at KhNUIA and prospects for further employment.


Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs