Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said that this year the Interior Ministry is launching two large-scale projects - an aeromedical evacuation system and a reform of the hydro meteorological service of the SES.

"This year, together with the Ministry of Health, we will introduce a system of aeromedical evacuation and support of transplantation with the involvement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This will significantly increase the level of emergency medical care in the regions. At least 7 million Ukrainians will be able to get access to special medical care as quickly as possible in situations that threaten their lives and health, " said Arsen Avakov.

The Minister stressed that the plans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the reform of the hydro meteorological service of the SES with the participation of world leaders in this field.

"This will allow early detection and forecasting of dangerous hydro meteorological processes, hurricane winds, squalls, tornadoes, hail, floods, ice on the road surface, forecasting fire hazards and more. Our goal is to modernize hydro meteorological systems in order to obtain forecast information in a timely manner. This is extremely important for appropriate response and minimization of consequences and preservation of human life, "he said.

Department of Communication of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine