The Minister of Internal Affairs stated that last year turned out to be extremely difficult for Ukraine: not only a global pandemic, but also devastating floods and large-scale forest fires. And the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to respond to these exceptional challenges at the same time as their main work. Arsen Avakov told about it during a speech at the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"We have to ensure law and order in quarantine. More than 23,000 police officers, National Guardsmen, border guards, rescuers and medical workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are involved in anti-epidemic measures every day. All of them work in high-risk conditions. More than 30,000 employees got coronavirus. Unfortunately, there are those who could not overcome this disease," Arsen Avakov said.

According to the Minister, such difficult conditions have shown that the confidence of citizens remains the highest assessment of the work of law enforcement.

"The day before, we received the results of a survey conducted in August-December 2020, which was attended by 15,000 respondents in 24 regions of the country. The general level of public confidence in the National Police is 40.8 percent, "Arsen Avakov said.

The Minister stressed that another challenge for law enforcement was the election last year.

"Representatives of civil society and international organizations once again praised the work of the police in ensuring the security of elections. They noted a clear and impartial response to reports of voter bribery, abuse of office and other offenses. This is a high assessment of the quality of our law enforcement system! ” said Arsen Avakov.

Department of Communication of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine