NGO «Non-formal education for youth» шукає 5 учасників(ць) та тім-лідера на молодіжний обмін у Туреччині!

Можливість відкрита для подорожуючих як з України так і інших країн.


Name: Stay Online and Safe

Dates: 08.12.2022 – 20.12.2022

Venue: Kırklareli / Turkey



Youth exposure to high levels of cyberbullying and hate speech in the public sphere has a significant impact on selfconfidence and self-esteem. This situation leads to exclusion and stigmatization. Some of the national minorities or many immigrant youth are in a state of hiding or rejecting their own identity, as a result of marginalization and discrimination, due to the desire to be accepted by others. Therefore, young people who face different types of hate speech or online harassment -especially young minorities or immigrants- need to feel safe to develop their self-esteem and self-respect. Above all, young people should develop special skills to help them deal with the different types of online discrimination they face.



- To ensure that 38 young people from 6 countries have online responsibility during the implementation of the youth exchange; develop the ability to think critically and recognize fake news.

- Increasing participation in the fight against fake news and online hate speech by including 38 young people from 6 countries in planning and running a campaign, informing about the negative effects of hate speech and online disinformation.

- Promoting European values such as non-discrimination, tolerance and respect for cultural diversity, and developing social inclusion opportunities for 18 young people with fewer opportunities exposed to cyberbullying.



 The activities are based on formal and nonformal education. The young participants will have the opportunity to experience different non-formal education methods: "group works, treasure hunt, facilitated discussions, questionnaire, goldfish bowl, simulation, role-play, open space, instution visits, photo-animation, living library, photo-voice, computer-based work, interactive presentations, supported discussions, discovery learning, etc.''



INTERCULTURAL EVENING You may present your country, traditional food and drinks, dance, music, games, traditions, and so on. There will be a projector, sound system. And you are free to choose how you present, you can get creative!

NGO FAIR You may present your organization and activities. It is useful tool to know each other, to create new partnerships and promote some project’s results. You can bring electronic presentations (Powerpoint, Prezi, etc.) and physical promotional materials. You will have max 8 mins.

ACTIVITIES DEDICATED TO NATIONAL GROUP Participants will prepare the acitivities dedicated to their national groups. The coordinator of the project will share the methods, materials etc. with their group leaders once the national groups are completed their 1st preparation session.



Participants’ age: 16-25 (team-leader 18-30)

-A participant profile, needs and objectives have to meet with a project content;

-A participant has to be available to attend all activities during project dates(mandatory);

- Entire group has to have balance in mean of English language. (The project language is English. At least, one participant may help other participant to understand all sections);

Participants background: Participants are young people who are interested in the theme of the project and want to be actively involved in combating fake news, bullying and exclusion on social media, and promoting social responsibility online. Participants need to find their intrinsic motivation and develop the specific skills that are the content of the project and gain new knowledge and skills to become human rights activists.

Each candidate has to send Europass CV (after confirmation of participation).


Обов’язкові умови:

1)         Біометричний паспорт (або віза),
2)         Сертифікат про вакцинацію не менш ніж двома дозами (Pfizer (Comirnaty), Moderna (Spikevax), AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria), Janssen),
3)         Участь в проєктах чоловіків можлива тільки за наявності законної підстави для перетину кордону. Участь в проєкті не є такою підставою. 

Фінансові умови:
Проект фінансується за рахунок програми Erasmus+, яка покриває:
- 100% витрат на харчування, проживання;
- 100% проїзду до місця проведення і назад (якщо витрати не перевищують ліміт 275 евро).
Страхування не відшкодовується (200 грн.)
Для тих, хто не є активним членом ГО «Неформальна освіта для молоді»- 1500 грн членський внесок


Заявки розглядатимемо кожен день та підтверджуватимемо участь.

Дедлайн 23.11.2022 23.59.
