NGO “Vzayemopomich” шукає 10 учасників(-иць), для участі у молодіжному обміні, "Feel Your Gender", що відбудеться 1-10 липня у : Entracque – „Sotto il faggio” camp site in Cuneo area, Italy

Про обмін : The project has its roots in previous works and youth exchanges where the topic about
marginalized people arose and where the need of creating spaces of connection and inclusion
emerged. The primary purpose of the project is to improve the quality of life of young people, giving
particular attention to those who could be marginalized. The ultimate goal, for all the participants, both youth exchange and training, is to be able to share "who I am" exactly "as “I am" in every situation.
An open space for everyone where to share, express life experiences, difficulties, hardships and
The objectives of the project are:
‐ develop a space of Non‐discrimination in which young people can open up and discuss issues
related to gender and sexual orientation and above all to their personal feelings;
‐ create spaces for inclusion;
‐ offer a space for self‐investigation, self‐listening and personal growth of the participants;
‐ listening to young people in their need to express who they are, without judgment, supporting
the creation of environments in which judgment does not need to exist;
‐ sharing of tools (mindfulness, bioenergetics, inquiry, theatre, connection with nature, etc.)
usable by young people and youth workers for an ever greater knowledge of themselves and
their personal value (self‐esteem);
‐ supporting feelings of openness and inclusion in young people for the development of projects
that "start from the bottom" and that can reduce discrimination and incitement to hatred in
today's society;
‐ Making Erasmus + increasingly an instrument of inclusion;
‐ Create a network of organizations with common goals through which to improve the skills and
competences of youth workers by integrating good practices and new NFL methods and social
support in daily activities;
‐ Reduce discrimination in all its forms

ВАЖЛИВО - Потрібно взяти свої спальні мішки, адже проєкт проводиться на території кемпінгу

- Молоді люди 16+
- Зі знанням англійської мови;
- Можливість виїхати за кордон, або знаходження за кордоном та готовність купити квитки і виконати інструкції за супер-короткий відрізок часу;

Проєкт фінансується програмою Erasmus+, яка покриває:
- 100% витрат на харчування, проживання;
- 100% проїзду до місця проведення і назад (якщо витрати не перевищують ліміт 275 євро).

Благодійний внесок за проєкт - 600 грн (після того, як Вас затвердили організатори)

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