Шукаємо учасників на молодіжний обмін "Clean the Virus off"  в Норвегї 

Запитання надсилайте на: [email protected]
Дати проведення: 01.08 - 09.08.2022
Сварстад, Норвегія
Участь візьме молодь з Норвегії, Словаччини, Словенії, України, Туреччини, Італії та Болгарії
Deadline: Якнайшвидше.

 Our exchange project will help people to get awareness of public hygiene, self hygiene and thus
public health. In addition to this, we know that being health during a global pandemic or local epidemic necessitates not only self-hygiene, public sanitation and social isolation but also proper nutrition, regular
sleep, regular exercise and break bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol etc. For instance hygiene alone isn’t enough unless you take nourishments efficiently and have a healthy body without cholesterol, obesity or other physiological problems. Experts mention that the coronavirus becomes more dangerous when an infected patient already has a health problem. Especially smokers and the ones with lung diseases are considered to be the most vulnerable group against the coronavirus. So, the importance of complete well-being in order to prevent any infections and contagious diseases will be reminded to the participants during
and after our project.

In the friendly environment participants will be encouraged to use their creativity and feel free to express themselves and work together as a team. It is expected that they will actively participate in all the workshops and share their experiences in the topics of the project.
Through open discussions and different non formal methods we want participants to communicate in different ways, why is it important in our personal and professional lives, what is charisma, how to use communication skills in social media, time management, self-confidence and setting personal goals. We will present the different opportunities they have in the Erasmus + programme and encourage sharing of good practices between the participants who have experience in the Erasmus + programme
Вимоги до учасників:
- 18-30 років;
- хороша розмовна англійська;
- займається/цікавиться сферою, пов'язаною з темою;
- можливість виїзду за кордон у поточній ситуації
Проєкт фінансується Європейською Комісією через програму Erasmus+. Проїзд (у межах бюджету 275 євро), харчування, проживання та заходи покриваються повністю. Вартість участі: безкоштовна пожертва.
Джерело: https://www.facebook.com/331268510318102/posts/pfbid0KshMopxbjEBHr2suYsH6UaYsA2zQC4ujGdcPbwnpqFLMq2T45pmCT42145oS91Awl/?d=n