NGO “Vzayemopomich” шукає 2 учасників(-иць), для участі у тренінгу, "Promo Videos for NGOs” що відбудеться 16-24 жовтня у Zakopane, Poland

Про тренінг : Nowadays, the development of digital technology is transforming almost every aspect of our public, private or work life. For every individual - the worker, the learner, and the citizen - the natural consequence of technological innovation, the question of obtaining new types of skills is necessary. Especially those who work with youth on a daily basis, need to adopt new ways to approach, interact and attract young people. Without doubts, a video is the most powerful means of communication for this purpose.
However, when we come to the non-governmental sector, most of the time, even though intentions are good, many of the videos of organisations in the field of youth work are still weak, unprofessional quality and failed to communicate a clear and concise message.

"Promo Videos for NGOs" aims to improve the quality of youth work by developing youth/social workers' competencies in promo video-making and using them in daily work.

To reach this purpose, we set the following objectives:
- To improve youth workers' knowledge on how to create a story, deliver a clear message online, creating a storyboard, copyrights, and basics of video-making.
- To improve youth workers' skills in recording, editing and publishing videos online.
- To improve youth workers' confidence in digital competencies and increased their usage in daily work.

The project is structured in learning by doing and self experiential way. Working methods will be based on the principles of non-formal education: icebreaking, teambuilding, small group discussions, plenary, games, individual or group tasks, etc.

Small and bigger tasks during the project will allow the participants to learn the basics of video-making receiving hands-on experience of filming smartly and efficiently. A major part of our training course will be to create videos for local Zakopane-based NGOs. This will guide the participants through the video-making process from start to finish in exactly the situation we expect them to be in upon returning home – creating videos for their NGOs with a variety of audiences in mind.

Please be aware that the Training Course will not provide you with academic knowledge as it is a purely non-formal education activity, and its success depends on the active participation of everybody present.

- Молодіжні працівники, викладачі, вихователі, фасилітатори та молодіжні лідери 18+;
- Зі знанням англійської мови;
- Можливість виїхати за кордон, або знаходження за кордоном;

Проект фінансується програмою Erasmus+, яка покриває:
- 100% витрат на харчування, проживання;
- 100% проїзду до місця проведення і назад (якщо витрати не перевищують ліміт 275 євро).

Благодійний внесок за проект - 600 грн (після того, як Вас затвердили організатори)

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