Binary lesson in English with the EUAM Coordinator in Kharkiv Field Office
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The Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Olena Orlova conducted a binary lesson on “International Cooperation” for the master’s groups of the Faculties No.1 and No.6 together with the EUAM Coordinator in Kharkiv Field Office Robert Zolkiewski.

Binary lesson on the subject “Jurisprudence: Constitutional Law” with the participation of a representative of the EUAM in Kharkiv
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Yevheniia Lohvynenko, Associate Professor of the Constitutional and International Law Department of the Faculty No.4, and Saer Ammar, Adviser/Trainer on Rule of Law at the European Union Advisory Mission in Kharkiv Field Office, conducted a binary lesson in English for cadets of the Faculty No.3 (group 107) on the subject “Jurisprudence: Constitutional Law" on the topic “Law enforcement agencies of modern states”.

We study the world experience: binary lesson on “Scandinavian model of public order enforcement”
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Lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty No.1 Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professors Liudmyla Diahilieva and Oleksander Levashov conducted a binary
lesson on the subject “Foreign language of professional orientation” with cadets of group F1-104 on the topic: “Public order. Scandinavian Model” with the participation of the Advisor/Trainer on public
order of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) Johann Fröhlich.


Rector Dmytro Shvets Participated in the Meeting of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
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The meeting of Rectors of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was held. Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was represented by Dmytro Shvets, the Rector of the institution, Mykhailo Burdin and Anatolii Klochko, Vice-Rectors.

The Graduation Ceremony of Police Officers was Held at the University
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The graduation ceremony of the students of initial professional training program was held at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

"Fighting against Drug Abuse in Society is the Common Task for Police and Community" said Valerii Sokurenko.
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The leaders of Kharkiv police and representatives of NGOs signed the Memorandum of Cooperation on Joint Combating Drug Crime.

Training Course on Conducting Training Sessions in the Field of Combating Human Trafficking
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Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Faculty No. 4 (cyber police) of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs participated in three-day training.

A binary lesson in English
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Nataliia Krasnova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 1, held a binary lesson on the topic "Crime Prevention" for the cadets of group 201 of the Faculty № 2, which was attended by Saer Ammar, a representative of European Union Advisory Mission, Adviser on Rule of Law.

Training for Trainers on Search and Secure of Radioactive Sources was held in KhNUIA
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The training for trainers on search and secure radioactive sources took place in Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Legal English with the participation of a representative of the European Union Advisory Mission
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Representatives of the Department of Foreign Languages - Head of the Department Olena Orlova, Associate Professors Oleksandr Levashov and Valentyna Pochuieva, with the support of International Cooperation Department of the University, with the participation of the representative of the Kharkiv Regional Office of the European Union Advisory Mission, Adviser/Trainer on Rule of Law Saer Ammar (Germany) conducted a binary lesson for master students of the Faculty No.1  on  “Law in the modern world” in the course of "Foreign language for professional direction”.