Dear Ukrainians! The local election campaign is coming to the end. Tomorrow is a day of silence in Ukraine. Then there will be voting, counting and setting the results. Today, from the position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I want to sum up the results of this stage of the election campaign.
Tetiana Kovalchuk, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, made a working visit to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Ruslan Horiachenko, the Head of the Human Rights Department of the National Police of Ukraine, Valerii Sokurenko, the Head of the Main Department of the National Police in Kharkiv Region, Serhii Bortnyk, the First Vice-Rector of the University and Directors of the structural units of the University also took part in the working visit.
On the eve of the elections on October 25, 2020, special tactical training exercises "Ensuring public safety and order during the local elections in Ukraine - 2020" were held on the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
A series of online meetings of employees of Zarichnyi District Court of Sumy with applicants for higher education of Sumy branch of KhNUIA continues. A binary lesson on the subject "Criminal Procedure" was held, which was attended by 2nd and 4th year students and 1 and 2 year cadets of the branch. The co-organizer of the binary class was Nataliia Horobets, Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.
Serhii Bortnyk, the first vice-rector of the university congratulated the athletes of the university team who took the second team place in the championship of sports and fitness society “Dynamo” of Ukraine in athletics (cross country race) in Odesa. The competitions were held according to the program of complex competitions “Dynamiada – 2020” among the national teams of higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other central executive agencies, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
The cadets, students, listeners, their education and training are always decisive in the activities of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. In order for these processes to take place at the proper level, it is necessary to provide them with high-quality and modern support in all activities: from educational system to the living conditions and leisure time.
Nataliia Rastorhuieva, a 4-th year cadet of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in a series of trainings “Democracy and peace building. Opportunities for Ukraine”. The event was organized by the European Expert Association.
Associate professors of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty № 6 Tetiana Kyrychenko and Ella Vakulovych took part in the meeting of the research group "Lawyer" of Kharkiv State Automobile and Road College. College students presented their reports on legal issues related to the professional activities of the road industry, followed by a discussion of the reports.
An online meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of the Faculty No.6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was held in the format of Google Meet. The topic of the meeting was “Problems of systemic regulation of public relations in the information sphere”.
During the week, the cycle commission for aircraft maintenance of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted Olympiads and wall-paper competitions. The results of this work have been summed up and the winners have been determined.