Cadets, students and lecturers of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA donated blood components for children with cancer Cadets, students and lecturers of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA donated blood components for children with cancer

Cadets, students and lecturers of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited Sumy Regional Blood Service Center within a framework of the charity event “Cossack’s blood is curative power”. Blood components, donated by them free of charge would benefit patients of oncohematology department of Sumy Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital.

The cadet of the University became the prize-winner of competitions in weightlifting The cadet of the University became the prize-winner of competitions in weightlifting

The Open Cup in weightlifting was held in Derhachi, Kharkiv region. Among adults in the weight category up to 63 kgs, a member of the National team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a 4th year cadet of faculty № 1 Nataliia Rastorhuieva took the second place.

Binary lesson on the subject "Criminal Procedure" Binary lesson on the subject

Zarichnyi District Court of Sumy Region has founded a series of online meetings with students of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The binary lesson on the subject “Criminal Procedure” was held. 3-4 years students took part in the webinar. Nataliia Horobets, Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines, was co-organizer of the binary lesson.

The cadets of the university underwent tactical training with the use of airsoft equipment The cadets of the university underwent tactical training with the use of airsoft equipment

Cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with representatives of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, the Military Institute of Tank Troops of NTU KhPI, the special unit of the National Guard of Ukraine "Omega" and the 92nd Mechanized Brigade took part in tactical exercises using airsoft equipment.

Cadet Karyna Mitiaieva took the first place in powerlifting competitions Cadet Karyna Mitiaieva took the first place in powerlifting competitions

The open championship of Kharkiv region on classical bench press of the Powerlifting Federation of Ukraine took place in Kharkiv. Athlete of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Karyna Mitiaieva, a third-year cadet of the Faculty No. 1 took part in the competition.

The victory of the university student Oleksandr Balabin in the Ukrainian Junior Boxing Championship The victory of the university student Oleksandr Balabin in the Ukrainian Junior Boxing Championship

The Ukrainian Junior Boxing Championship finished in Zaporizhia, with the participation of Oleksandr Balabin, a student of the Faculty № 6. In his weight category of 70 kg, Alexander held four fights.

Participation in the competitions of projects of European grant programs Participation in the competitions of projects of European grant programs

Webinar on the topic “Participation in the competitions of projects of European grant programs” was held at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in online mode on the Zoom platform with the participation of representatives of the European Union Research and Innovation program “Horizon 2020”.

A binary lesson in tax law A binary lesson in tax law

Daria Korobtsova, associate professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activities of the Faculty No. 6, together with lawyer Serhii Hubskyi, conducted a binary lesson in the academic discipline “Tax Law” on the topic “Legal Responsibility in Tax Law” for students of several groups.

A trip from Kharkiv to Poltava A trip from Kharkiv to Poltava

It was a wonderful day, full of fun, positive emotions and drive! With the assistance of the university trade union, an excursion trip of KhNUIA employees to Poltava region took place. The excursion started from Reshetylivka town. This is a real source of Ukrainian folk art.

Working meetings of scientific circles of cadets and students of Kremenchuk Flight College Working meetings of scientific circles of cadets and students of Kremenchuk Flight College

Working meetings of eighteen scientific circles of cadets and students were held during two weeks in Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.