Olena Teliha – A Star That Has Not Gone Out
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Scientific Library of KhNUIA has prepared an exhibition "Olena Teliha – A Star That Has Not Gone Out", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the tragic death of the talented Ukrainian poetess and patriot Olena Teliha (1906 - 1942). 

Binary classes on "Tactical training"
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Semen Dushka, Lecturer of the Special Disciplines Cycle of Sumy Center for Primary Vocational Training "Police Academy" (Sumy) of Sumy branch of KhNUIA with the participation of the Platoon Inspector of the № 1 company of the 3rd battalion of the Patrol Police Department of Sumy region, Senior Police Lieutenant Maksym Salnyk, binary classes on the subject "Tactical Training" were held for the students of Sumy branch.

Excursions dedicated to the Day of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred
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On the eve of the Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work since February 17 started conducting thematic excursions for cadets of 1-3 courses of faculties №1-4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. 

Curatorial hour with the participation of Afghan soldiers
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“Days go by, years go by, life turns the pages. And the pain of Afghan – for some reason in the soul for some reason does not stop”. With these words, the Curator of the 101st platoon, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Tetiana Herashchenko began a meeting of cadets with Afghan soldiers.

The winners of the action in the University Scientific Library have been determined
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The Scientific Library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs summed up the action, which was timed to the International Book Donation Day and Valentine's Day, and determined the winners of a romantic photo session in the Scientific Library.

The cadet of the Fight College won the poetry marathon
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At Kremenchuk, a solemn presentation of diplomas for the victory in the Marathon of reading aloud "Read with taste", dedicated to World Reading Day aloud. The competition was organized and held with the support of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Source of the Dnieper".

Binary lesson on Criminal Law
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Yuliia Tatarkina, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 6, KhNUIA with the participation of an Attorney of the Bar Association “Vileon “Legal Firm” Tetiana Vyshnevetska a binary lesson on “Criminal Law” was held with the 3rd year students of the Faculty № 6.

Binary lesson on the peculiarities of escorting detainees
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The Lecturers of the Cycle of General Law Disciplines of Sumy Center of Primary Professional Training "Police Academy" (Sumy) of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, Police Captain Pavel Hanichenko with participation of the Company Commander of Convoy Service of MDNP in Sumy region, Police Captain Oleksii Bratkov, held a binary lesson on “Organization of escorting detainees”.

Information events under the slogan "Ukraine is United!" took place in Sumy branch
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Students have always been the driving force behind democratic change. In the context of current conditions, the issues of formation and manifestation of active citizenship on the principles of establishing national identity, education and support of the spirit of patriotism have become relevant.

Binary lesson on "Environmental Law"
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Tamara Yatsenko, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Labor and Commercial Law, Faculty № 2 of KhNUIA, and Dmytro Armash, Senior Sergeant of the Special Police Regiment, conducted a binary lesson on “Environmental Law” for students of the Faculty № 1.