Employees, cadets and students of the university took part in the VI All-Ukrainian Festival of Nativity Scenes "Vertep-Fest"
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Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs take part in the All-Ukrainian Festival of Nativity Scenes "Vertep-Fest"  every year. Staff,cadets and students of university together with the representatives of university management, units became participants of the sixth All-Ukrainian folklore festival.

Cadets of Sumy branch joined the search for juveniles
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On January 13, parents of two 12-year-old girls from Sumy contacted the police and said that in the morning girls went to school and did not return, they did not answer the calls, their whereabouts were unknown.

An online meeting with future entrants and their parents took place at the Sumy branch of KhNUIA
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An online meeting with future entrants and their parents took place at the Sumy branch of KhNUIA. Representatives of the higher education institution told about the branch and the peculiarities of education, acquainted with the prospects of employment after graduation.

New Year and Christmas holidays in Ukraine continue
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New Year and Christmas holidays in Ukraine continue. Traditionally, twelve days after Christmas are called the Feasts, which last until the Epiphany, January 19. On the Eve of the Old New Year (January 13 in the old style) in Ukraine celebrate the Generous Evening.

University cadets conduct career guidance meetings and legal education trainings
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1st year cadets of the Faculty № 1 within the framework of the Center for Interaction with Secondary Educational Institutions and Career Guidance of the School of Scientific Leadership of KhNUIA held career guidance meetings and legal education trainings in Shandryholovska Secondary School of Donetsk Region, Sosnytska Gymnasium named after O.P. Dovzhenko of Chernihiv region, Shelestov lyceum of Kharkiv region, Nizhyn lyceum of Chernihiv region.

The cadet of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA took part in preparation of a video film «Adolescent Suicides: Why Children Play in Death Game»
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Roman Orlov, a 4th year cadet of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the preparation of the video film "Adolescent Suicides: Why Children Play in Death Game", which was created under the auspices of the BBC News Ukraine and published on YouTube video hosting.

We respect New Year and Christmas traditions
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Due to the ancient tradition, New Year's Eve (in the old style) celebrates on January, 13 in Ukraine, as well as the holiday of Malanka, which precedes the next holiday of the Christmas cycle – St. Vasyl Day. Malanka  comes on a generous evening together with Vasyl-Moon to inform the hosts about the next celebrations and to celebrate, which is popularly called – Malanka's “generous Eve”.

The beauty and greatness of state symbols
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Each nation has its own national sanctuaries and symbols. 30 years ago, on January 15, 1992, the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a Decree on the
National Anthem of Ukraine. The national symbol is the music edition authored by Mykhailo Verbytskyi in the words of Pavlo Chubynskyi "Sche ne vmerla Ukraina".

Art unites generations
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Students of Lyceum "Pravookhoronets" together with veterans of internal affairs during New Year and Christmas holidays visited Kharkiv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after M.V. Lysenko, where they watched the opera "Kniaz Ihor" by O.P. Borodin.

An unforgettable figure in the history of Ukraine (to the 140th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Ohiienko)
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Ivan Ohiienko (1882–1972) - political, public and church figure, church historian, teacher, founder and first rector of Kamianets-Podilskyi State Ukrainian University, Minister of Education and Minister of Cults (denominations) in several governments of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Metropolitan of Ukraine autocephalous orthodox church.