Binary lesson for external degree program students
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Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty № 6 Professor Volodymyr Hrechenko and Head of the Department of Fundamental and Legal Sciences of the same faculty Yurii Kholod conducted a joint binary lesson on “Origin and development of the Ukrainian Cossacks and Cossack customary law”.

Binary lesson on Police Activity
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For the 2nd year cadets of the Faculty № 2 in the specialty “Law Enforcement Activity” a binary lesson on the subject “Police Activity” was held on the topic “Organization of the activities of the National Police in the field of road safety”.

Binary class on Algorithmization and Programming
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Volodymyr Strukov, Professor of the Department of Cybersecurity of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, conducted a binary lesson on “Algorithmization and Programming” with 2nd year students majoring in “Cybersecurity” with the participation of Chief Specialist of the Department of Administration of Telecommunications and Information Systems of the Department of Informational and Analytic Support MDNP in Kharkiv region, Senior Police Lieutenant Roman Savchenko.

Discussion issues of application of anti-corruption legislation
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Head of the Research Laboratory on the Issues of Police Activity Ensuring of KhNUIA Doctor of Law, Professor Serhii Shatrava and Commissioner for Anti-Corruption Activities of the University Olha Piskunova remotely took part in the All-Ukrainian scientific and  practical conference “Discussion of anti-corruption legislation” held at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. 

Binary lesson on the history of the state and the law of foreign countries
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Within the framework of the pilot project, which includes intensification of academic mobility between higher education institutions related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of Faculty 1 conducted a binary lesson with the participation of OSUIA Professor Ihor Mahnovskyi.

KhNUIA cadets conduct trainings to prevent child abduction
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Participants of the Center for Social Projects of the School of Scientific Leadership, 2nd and 3rd year cadets of the Faculty № 1 of KhNUIA Polina Suslova, Ihor Sumin and Ivan Kotliarov along with volunteers of the search team “LisaAlert” within the social project “Academia Lis” continue a series of trainings dedicated to prevention of children abduction.

The lecturer of KhNUIA conducted a binary lesson for cadets of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs
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Associate Professor of Social and Economic Science of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Andrii Diadin along with Associate Professor of Social and Economic Disciplines of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Criminal Police Units of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs Vladyslav Varynskyii conducted binary classes with second year cadets of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs in the discipline “Sociology” on “Sociology of ethno-social and national relations”.

Future aircraft maintenance specialists tested their higher mathematics knowledge
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Third year cadets of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, specialty "Aviation Transport" of the educational program "Aircraft and Engine Maintenance" tested their knowledge of higher mathematics by participating in the competition.

Scientific activity of university cadets
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A joint meeting of Scientific Circles with the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 1 of KhNUIA was held (in format of online conference on ZOOM platform) with the Department of Criminal Law and International and European Law of Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazina.

Participation in the All-Ukrainian round table on topical issues of criminal law of Ukraine
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Roman Romaniv, the 4th year cadet of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the All-Ukrainian Round Table “Current Issues of Criminal Law of Ukraine in the Context of Reforming the Criminal Code of Ukraine” held by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.