Linguists of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines are participants of symposium “E-TOOL”
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Linguists of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of Sumy branch of KhNUIA Valentyna Vasylenko, Yuliia Samoilova, Anna Reshytko and Larysa Hartsunova took part in symposium “E-TOOL” (Teaching Online Opportunity Lab), under a grant provided by the AS Hornby Educational Trust Funding with the support of the British Council.

Meeting of the Scientific Circle of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology
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A meeting of the scientific group of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 6 was held under the leadership of Associate Professor Iryna Lutsenko. During the meeting, the members of the group listened to and discussed the abstracts of the reports prepared by the members of the scientific group for participation in the conferences.

Advanced Training Online
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Yana Sadykova, Associate Professor of the Department of Law, Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the X International Forum on the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the International Forum “Information Security: Current Trends 2020-2021”.

Personal value and safety
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As part of the 16 Days Against Violence World Action, Nataliia Duravkina, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, conducted several online lessons for senior students of Sumy Specialized School No. 10 named after A. Butko on the topic “Personal value and safety”.

Scientific online-internship “Academic Integrity”
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Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Law Disciplines of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Lealw Sciences Tetiana Stepanenko passed an online scientific internship on “Academic Integrity”, organized by the Polish-Ukrainian Foundation “Institute of International Academic and Scientific Cooperation” at the Higher Seminary of the UKSW Theological University in Warsaw, Poland.

To the attention to cadets and students of KhNUIA!
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On December 8, 2021, at 3 pm, the Scientific Library (room 110) of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host a law lesson on “Law enforcement officers for the protection of human rights”, dedicated to the All-Ukrainian Law Week.

Gender Equality as Future Strategy
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The representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs сonducted a scientific and practical seminar on the topic  "Gender Equality as Future Strategy".

Educational hour for cadets of Kremenchuk Flight College on the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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An educational hour was conducted for cadets and first-year students of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was conducted by Dmytro Razumov, head of the laboratory of the Mi-2 procedural simulator of the educational department, who is a participant in the anti-terrorist operation and has the award of the President of Ukraine "For participation in the anti-terrorist operation".

New publications at KhNUIA Scientific Library
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The Scientific Library Foundation received a new edition as a gift from the Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Ihor Lohvinenko and Associate Professor of the same Department, Candidate of Law Victor Lazarev “Theory of State and Law in Definitions and Schemes”.

Sport College students were told about the advantages of studying at KhNUIA
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Associate Professor of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty № 3 of KhNUIA, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Police Captain Mykola Borovyk visited MI “Kharkiv Professional College of Sport Profile” and held a career guidance conversation with high-qualified athletes.