Advanced training online
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Associate professor of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Expertise and Pre-Medical Training of the Faculty №1 of KhNUIA, Lieutenant Colonel Vasyl Kornienko took an online training course “Anti-Money Laundering (European Experience)” and “Anti-Cyber Threats”, which lasted three weeks on the CEPOLLEED platform.

Online lecture with the contemporary Ukrainian writer Liubko Deresh
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Associate Professor of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines №6 Candidate of Philology Nataliia Kobylko along with the students-psychologists attended an online lecture of the contemporary Ukrainian writer, author of youth novels Liubko Deresh “Becoming a writer: how to write and publish the first art book”.


A representative of Kremenchug Flight College took part in Korovaifest
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Oksana Savchenko, Head of the Cycle Commission of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the III festival " Shine God from Paradise to our Korovai", which took place on the eve of the feast of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin in the ethno-museum "Lialyna Svitlytsia".

Participation in the training from public institution "Animal treatment center"
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Kristina Morhai, Platon Mozghovyi, Mykola Morokhovskyi and Vladyslav Nadtochii, participants of the Center of Social Projects of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty No. 1 of KhNUIA, 2nd and 3rd year cadets, visited public institution "Animals treatment center" and took part in a training from a practical psychologist of the center. 

Sociological problems from the point of view of a practical police officer
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Tetiana Herashchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, conducted a binary lesson on Sociology for students with the participation of a practical employee of Sumy District Department of the National Police of Ukraine, Police Sergeant Valerii Holub. The topic of the seminar was "Society as an object of sociology".

Binary lesson in foreign language “Legal Professions”
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A senior lecturer of the Department of Humanities Larysa Hartsunova and a practicing lawyer, the Head of Sumy Regional Office GIZ, legal advisor of the program “U-LEAD with Europe” Maryna Lobova conducted a binary lesson on the topic “Legal Professions” for first-year students.

Presentation of the Horizon 2020 project "Interaction of the intelligence and security network with industrial and science entities" NOTIONEStook place
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Within the framework of the information day "Tools for supporting digital innovations in the Horizon Europe program", the Horizon 2020 project "Interaction of the intelligence and security network with industrial and science entities" took place.

Binary lesson for applicants for higher education with the participation of a lawyer
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Iryna Vasylko and Iryna Kyrieieva, Associate Professors of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty No. 6, Artem Dobrovinskyi, Senior Lecturer of the Department and a Lawyer Veronika Popova conducted a joint binary lesson on the topic "Forensic accounting expertise".

High school pupils of Okhtyrka and Okhtyrskyi District were informed about studying at Sumy Branch of KhNUIA
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Representatives of Sumy branch of KhNUIA and prevention sector of Okhtyrka District Police Department in Sumy Region, met with secondary school pupils of Okhtyrka and Okhtyrskyi District.



Congratulations to first-year cadets of KhNUIA from the Minister of Internal Affairs Denys MONASTYRSKYI
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On behalf of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, I sincerely congratulate you on the solemn event - taking the Oath of a police officer!

Today, on a bright holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks and Defenders of Ukraine you join a big family of police officers.

Right now you are creating a new page of your life chronicle, uniting with all generations of defenders and defendresses of Ukraine who fought for centuries for the right to create our history in our land.