On the way to European private law
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Academic staff of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of Faculty №6 KhNUIA Yurii Zhornokui, Oleh Syniehubov, Volodymyr Kroitor, Oleksandr Kukhariev, Larysa Krasytska took part in the XI International Civil Forum “On the way to European private law”.

Career guidance work in Sumy comprehensive school №24 of I-III degrees
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Associate Professor of Humanities of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Tetiana Herashchenko conducted career guidance work with the eleventh graders of Sumy Secondary School №24 of I-III degrees.

Сadets of the University got acquainted with the exhibition dedicated to the Day of Defenders and Defendersses of Ukraine
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Cadets of group 106 of Faculty №1 together with their curator senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages Larysa Sazanova visited the book-illustrative exposition of the scientific library of KhNUIA ''Ukraine from Cossack times to the present'' dedicated to the Day of Defenders and Defendersses of Ukraine.

University cadets took part in archeological excavations in Balakliia district
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2nd and 3rd year cadets of Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Oleksandr Katrenko, Kristina Morgai, Daria Sulima, Victoria Kolesnyk and Yulia Shelest, who are members of the School of Scientific Leadership, together with the “Union of Search Detachments of Ukraine” took part in archeological excavations in Balakliia district of Kharkiv region.

“Start your career with us!”. Meeting with the eleventh-graders of Sumy school №18 
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As part of the career guidance work of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the Law Week, Associate Professor of Socio-Economic Disciplines Nadiia Sapych met with the students of 11-A and 11-B classes of Sumy Secondary School №18.

Representatives of Sumy branch – winners of the open city championship in bench press
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The open championship of the city on bench press was held in Sumy, dedicated to the memory of “Honorary Citizen of Sumy” (posthumously), Police Major Oleksandr Tkachenko. Representatives of Sumy branch of KhNUIA – the 4th year student Kateryna Krapyvna and the 1st year cadet Yaroslav Proidysvit – performed on a par with the masters of sports.

The book-illustrated exposition dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian poet Ivan Drach
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The Scientific Library of KhNUIA invites everyone to get acquainted with the book-illustrated exposition dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of prose writer, poet, translator, playwright, statesman and public figure Ivan Fedorovych Drach.

Classes at the Center for Academic Writing of Sumy branch
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The activity of the Center for Academic Writing of Sumy branch of KhNUIA began with the information hour “Academic Integrity. Code of Honor” for the 1st year students. The head of the library Svitlana Hryhorieva announced the increase of attention to the academic culture, which presupposes, first of all, observance of the principle of academic integrity.

Cadets of Sumy branch of KhNUIA – winners of the city game “Lasertag”
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The second-year cadets of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the game “Lasertag”, which was held before the Day of Defender of Ukraine among the teams of higher education institutions and youth of Sumy. The event was organized by the Youth Leisure Center of Sumy City Council.

Participation in an online course
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Anna Budnik, a 2nd year cadet of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a participant of the School of Scientific Leadership, took part in the online course “Information Hygiene. How to recognize lies in social networks, on the Internet and on television".