The Constitution of Ukraine and the present

On the occasion of the Constitution Day of Ukraine, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized and held an information and educational hour "The Constitution of Ukraine and the Present" for cadets of the faculties No. 1 and No. 4 with the participation of the head of the NGO "Kamianets-Podilskyi Association of the Society "Prosvita" named after Taras Shevchenko", bard, artist and activist Slavko Poliatynchuk.

Mastering the skills of first aid in war conditions

Kateryna Penzieva, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Science and Pre-medical Training of the Faculty No. 1 of KhNUIA, took an online course "First Aid in Warfare" on the open platform Prometheus, developed in cooperation with the company "First Aid and Special Training. FAST".

On the Day of Mourning and Remembrance of the Victims of War in Ukraine

On the Day of Mourning and Remembrance of the Victims of the War in Ukraine, cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in a memorial meeting and laid flowers at the memorial in the Heroes' Square in Kamianets-Podilskyi. Representatives of the university honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

Camouflage nets for our defenders

The cadets of Faculties 1 and 4 in Khmelnytskyi region continue to engage in volunteer activities. In their free time, they help to weave protective nets for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which allow our soldiers to be invisible to the enemy and save their lives.

An online course on combating human trafficking has been completed

Oleksii Salmanov, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-trial Investigation of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, has completed the training course "Trafficking in Human Beings" from the European Union Agency for the Training of Law Enforcement Officers (CEPOL).

University students were awarded 

The cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs who took part in the joint special border operation "West-2023" launched by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine received awards.

The day of open doors

Faculties 1 and 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, with the assistance of Eduard Verbytskyi, Senior Inspector of the Juvenile Police Sector of Kamianets-Podilskyi District Police Department, organized and held an open day for students of grades 9-11 of Kitahorod community of Kamianets-Podilskyi district, Khmelnytskyi region.

Advanced training in tactical medicine

Associate Professor of the Department Tetiana Orlova completed a course of tactical and special training in providing first aid and emergency medical care in combat and other emergency situations, which was held at Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University.

Binary lesson on the basics of administrative and jurisdictional activities

Iryna Kazanchuk, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty No. 1, conducted a binary lesson for 1st year cadets of the Faculty No. 3 on the topic "Bodies of the National Police of Ukraine as subjects of administrative jurisdiction" within the discipline "Fundamentals of Administrative Jurisdictional Activity".

Vice-rector of the University Serhii Bortnyk held briefing

The Vice-Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police Colonel Serhii Bortnyk, briefed the permanent and variable staff of Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 in Khmelnytskyi region. The Vice-Rector emphasized the strict observance of discipline and legality, conscientious performance of official duties