The competition "Shevchenko`s readings" took place at the university

In honor of the memory of the poet Taras Shevchenko, a competition "Shevchenko readings" was held at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, with the participation of cadets and students. The competition was attended by teams of the faculties №№ 1–4, 6, which competed in the nominations "Best reciter of works of the great Kobzar" and "Original genre".

The cadets of the university were awarded with the gratitude of the head of MDNP in Kharkiv region

The cadets of the faculty № 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs were awarded with the gratitude of the head of MDNP in Kharkiv region. The awards were presented to Anastasia Pustovit and Polina Ivanchuk by the Chief of Kharkiv Region MDNP Police Colonel Andriy Rubel for high sports results and a significant personal contribution to the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine.

The Head of GDNP Criminal investigation department of Kharkiv region conducted a meeting with cadets of higher educational establishment

The Head of GDNP Criminal Investigation Department of Kharkiv region Police Colonel Roman Ivashchenko met the 3rd year cadets at the invitation of the administration of the faculty № 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The event was also attended by the Deputy Chief of the GDNP of Kharkiv region, Police Colonel Bohdan Kirichuk, the dean of the faculty № 2 Police Colonel Kostiantyn Harbuziuk, the Head of the 3rd year cadets of the Faculty № 2 Major of Police Roman Pelenchuk.

The KhNUIA team took second place in the All-Ukrainian weightlifting tournament

The 7th All-Ukrainian weightlifting tournament dedicated to the memory of Colonel-General of Artillery Vasyl Petrov took place in Zaporizhia. About 100 athletes of national teams of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine took part in the competition.

Athletes of the University took part in the open regional Judo Championship

The open regional Judo Championship among juniors under 21 took place in Kharkiv. Cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs were among the participants of the event.

First-year cadets were instructed before the introductory practice

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held instructive meetings with first-year cadets of the faculties №№ 1–4 and Sumy branch. The cadets of Sumy branch of the university were instructed using Skype software online. 691 cadets will undergo an internship at the place of residence in the police departments of the twenty-two Main Directorates of the National Police in the regions.

University cadets visited the Animal Treatment Center

3rd-year cadets of the faculty № 2 (criminal police) visited the Animal Treatment Center. They got acquainted with the structure of the Center and its fluffy "residents". The shelter keeps more than 120 dogs and 50 cats, as well as rabbits, turtles, and other animals.

Binary lesson on Environmental Law

Tamara Yatsenko, Candidate of Law, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Labor and Economic Law, Faculty №2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, conducted a binary lesson for third-year cadets of Faculty №2 on “Legal responsibility for environmental offenses and the role of police in preventing, detecting and terminating land violations legislation" in the discipline "Environmental Law".

To the Shevchenko’s Days

Taras Shevchenko's name has become a symbol of Ukraine. He is called the forerunner of a new life, the people's prophet, the titan of the spirit, who mourned the fate of the native people, and therefore left his descendants a spiritual testament, passed down from generation to generation, from generation to generation. He raised the spiritual greatness and beauty of the Ukrainian word to the highest heights. Taras Shevchenko was, is, and will forever remain one of the main figures in the formation of our state.

Binary session on the review of court decisions

Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure and Pre-trial Investigation Department of Faculty № 1 lieutenant colonel of police Vitalii Romaniuk and the investigator of Odessa personality crimes investigation police department No.2 of Odessa district police administration No.1 lieutenant of police Alina Nenko conducted binary classes in the study group 301 of faculty No. 2. The topic of binary classes was "Proceedings for the review of court decisions."