Language policy in Ukraine and the world

On the occasion of Human Rights Day, Viktoriia Pertseva, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, together with Alina Masalova, inspector of the Investigation Sector of Kyivskyi district of Kharkiv Regional Headquarters of National Police, Lieutenant of the Police, conducted a binary lesson "Language Policy in Ukraine and EU States".

Transport Discipline Lesson

The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized an instructional lesson on the observance of traffic rules and road safety for cadets of 3-4 years and adjuncts of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Modern and stylistic features of the official and business style

Nataliia Yelnikova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty No. 2, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and Alina Masalova, Inspector of the Investigation Sector of Kyiv Police Department of the Headquarters of the National Police in Kharkiv Region, conducted a binary lesson on “Linguistic Features of Official Business Style” for cadets of the Faculty No. 1 (group 101).


The Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty №1 held a debate in English "STOP Bullying!", that was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission Field Office in Kharkiv.

New exhibits in the educational and exhibition center "Shevchenko - the soul of the Ukrainian people"

Each university family has its own traditions, rituals, customs that create their own special microculture. The presence of traditions indicates the cohesion of the team, a sense of community in it. A valuable uniting factor is the personality of the poet, we have been addressing for more than 200 years.

Associate Professor of the Department of Labor and Economic Law took part in the International Scientific Conference

Ivan Bryhadyr, Associate Professor of the Department of Labor and Economic Law, Faculty 2 of KhNUIA, took part in the VI International Scientific Conference "The states’ security of Central and Eastern Europe in the scope of cross-border security threats", organized by Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (The Republic of Poland).

The program "Kharkiv News" published a story about a cadet of KhNUIA Illia Tohobytskyi, who won the title of a European Youth Boxing Championship

In the program "Kharkiv News" on TV channels "A / TEC" and "Channel 7" appeared a story about a cadet of the faculty № 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Illia Tohobytskyi, who became the winner of the European Youth Boxing Championship and met the standard of an international class master of sports.


"Actual problems of development of service-applied, traditional and oriental martial arts" the theme of the online conference

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the basis of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty № 2 held an international scientific and methodological online conference "Actual problems of development of service-applied, traditional and oriental martial arts."

Illia Tohobytskyi, a cadet of KhNUIA, became the winner of the Youth European Boxing Championship

The Youth European Boxing Championship with a participation of Illia Tohobytskyi, a cadet of the Faculty No.2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, has come to the end in Budva (Montenegro).

The Online Round Table on Special Aspects of Juvenile Witnesses or Victims Interrogation in Kharkiv Region

The representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs participated in the work of the Round Table on Special Aspects of Juvenile Witnesses or Victims Interrogation in Kharkiv Region, which was organized by the experts of the EUAM Field Office in Kharkiv.