Meeting with the "Scottish Wizard"

Despite the quarantine and lockdown, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university participates in various distance self-education programs. Lecturers improve their pedagogical skills, deepen their knowledge in the field of their scientific interests.

Courses on effective communication

Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty № 2, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Philology, Professor Ihor Chornyi participated in an online course "Communication Skills" in International Business Management Institute (Berlin, Germany) and received a certificate.

The volunteer movement of the University continues its work

The volunteer movement of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continues its functioning,  the new volunteers from among the cadets and students of the University join this activity.

Educational conversation with cadets

The curator of the group of the Faculty No. 2 Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Science Oleksandr Moshenskyi held an educational conversation with the cadets. It was held online using the ZOOM platform. The conversation was devoted to the rules of conduct during the New Year holidays and vacations.

Cadets and students of the University became winners and prizewinners of Kharkiv region championship on sambo

The championship of Kharkiv region among juniors and seniors on sambo took place. Athletes from Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs also took part in the competition. According to the
results of the competition, the university representatives became winners and won prizes.

The Department of Labor and Economic Law held a meeting of the scientific circle

A regular meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Labor and Business Law on "European labor market: experience and benefits" was held. The event addressed the issues of observance of labor rights of Ukrainian citizens working in EU countries and development of civil society in Ukraine.

Online meeting with future entrants of the Faculty No. 2

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted another online meeting with prospective applicants and their parents. Representatives of the Faculty No. 2 organized a presentation of their structural unit - the Faculty of training specialists for criminal police units of the National Police of Ukraine, answered numerous questions of the participants - high school students, parents and teachers about the terms and conditions of admission to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in 2021, perspectives and features of studying at the Faculty No. 2.

Rector Valerii Sokurenko: “Don't waste time, study, move forward, and everything will be fine in your life!”

Traditionally, on St. Nicholas Day, the Rector of the University meets with orphan cadets and cadets, whose parents died, defending the independence of our state during conducting the Anti-terrorist operation - Operation Joint Forces. This year, the cadets received greetings on St. Nicholas Day, New Year and Christmas from the Rector of the University Valerii Sokurenko, the Vice-Rectors of the University Serhii Bortnyk, Anatolii Klochko, and the Deans of the Faculties No.No. 1–4 Oleksandr Muzychuk, Kostiantyn Harbuziuk, Anatolii Kolotik and Viacheslav Markov.

Meeting with students of the Sanatorium School No.11 on the eve of the holiday

On the eve of St. Nicholas Day, Valerii Bondarenko, a Leading Specialist of the Faculty No 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and Inna Holopych, a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, visited students of the Kharkiv Regional Sanatorium School No 11  of the Kharkiv Regional Council.

Representatives of the faculty № 2 acquainted the students of the affiliated school with the peculiarities of the police profession

Representatives of the Faculty № 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs: Ihor Vlasenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training, Mykola Koteliukh, Associate Professor of the Tactical and Special Physical Training Department, Oleksandr Skliar, Lecturer of the Faculty of Tactical and Special Physical Training  and cadets of the Faculty visited the Municipal Institution "Kharkiv Sanatorium School № 11" of the Kharkiv Regional Council.