Let us remember our Heroes - defenders of the people and the state

As part of the national and patriotic and military and patriotic education of young people, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held the event "Know the Hero", during which cadets told about the defenders who gave their lives to preserve the independence and sovereignty of our state.

KhNUIA cadets are winners and prize-winners of the All-Ukrainian Wushu Sandha Tournament

An open all-Ukrainian wushu-sanda tournament "WU-WEI Cup 2023" was held in Vinnytsia, in which cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part. According to the results of the competition, the cadets of the university took prizes

Educational work of the curator

Victoriia Pertseva, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, curator of group 201 of the Faculty No. 2, held individual conversations with the cadets. During the conversations, the cadets shared their thoughts about their moods, interests and hobbies, tolerant attitude towards classmates, bad habits and ways to combat them, leisure and family relationships, etc.

Binary lesson in the discipline "Theory of State and Law"

Ihor Nevzorov, Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the Faculty No. 1, organized and conducted an online meeting with Andrii Sydorenko, First Deputy Head of the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Southern District, Candidate of Law, for the study group of the Faculty No. 2 as part of a seminar class.

Binary lesson in Ukrainian for professional purposes

Andrii Yefimov, Head of the Prevention Sector of the Police Department No. 1 of Kamian-Kashyrskyi District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Volyn Oblast, and Olena Overchuk, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty No. 2, conducted a binary class for 1st year cadets of the Faculty No. 2 on the topic "Culture of Oral Professional Communication of Police Officers".

A binary lesson with the participation of a practical police officer

In order to improve the quality of the practical component of higher education, Professor of the Department of Labor and Commercial Law of the Faculty № 2 Yevhen Podorozhnyi and Head of the Police Department № 1 of Odesa District Police Department № 2 of the Main Department of the National Police in Odesa Region, Police Captain Oleksandr Sirotov, conducted a binary lesson for cadets of the Faculty № 2 in the discipline "Commercial Law".

Binary lesson in Ukrainian for professional purposes

Viktoriia Pertseva, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty № 2, with the participation of Police Captain, Senior District Police Officer of Lutsk District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Volyn Region Viktor Tomashchuk, conducted a binary lesson in the Ukrainian language for professional purposes with cadets of the Faculty № 2, group 101 on the topic "Peculiarities of communication between police officers and different age groups of citizens".

Marko Vovchok: a success story

On the occasion of the 190th anniversary of Marko Vovchok's birth, Nataliia Yelnikova, a senior lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Studies, gave a lecture entitled "Marko Vovchok: A Success Story" for the curatorial group of 401 at Faculty No. 2. She spoke about the famous Ukrainian writer and translator Maria Vilinska (Marko Vovchok) as an extraordinary and bright woman whose life and work caused controversy among her contemporaries.

Binary lesson in the discipline "Commercial Law"

Police Lieutenant Mykhailo Haidamaka, Inspector of the Cybercrime Counteraction Unit in Ivano-Frankivsk Region of the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine, and Tamara Yatsenko, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Labor and Commercial Law of the Faculty № 2, conducted a binary lesson on "Establishment of Business Entities and the Procedure for Their State Registration" for fourth-year students of the Faculty № 1.

Curatorial hour with cadets of the Faculty № 2

On the eve of the winter examination session, Olena Overchuk, a senior lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held a curatorial hour with the freshmen of the study group 104