Human rights in the context of martial law and modern globalization challenges

The team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs consisting of members of the School of Scientific Leadership under the scientific guidance of the Head of the School Vitalii Naida took part in the IX International Student Summit

Rules for designing presentations became the topic of the lesson of the School of Scientific Leadership of KhNUIA

A regular optional lesson of the School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the topic "Rules for Designing Presentations" was held by the head of the scientific research laboratory on the problems of scientific support of law enforcement activities and the quality of personnel training of KhNUIA Kostiantyn Buhaichuk.

University cadets practiced tactics of the unit's actions in a wooded area in case of sudden fire contact

The academic staff of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with representatives of the military unit 3008 of the National Guard of Ukraine conducted a field trip. It was attended by members of the scientific and practical circles "SFP" and TSP "SHCHYT" - cadets of the 1-3 courses of the Faculties №№ 2 and 3 of KhNUIA

High school students were invited to study at the university

The Recruitment and Career Guidance Department held an online meeting on the peculiarities of admission and studying at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in 2024 for future applicants - cadets (state-funded form of education) and students (at the expense of individuals and legal entities).

Instructional classes on the peculiarities of electronic declaration

During October-November 2023, the Anti-Corruption Commissioner Yana Mazur held a series of instructional classes with cadets of Faculties №№ 1-4, master's students of Faculties №№ 1-3, associate and doctoral students of the Department of Organization of Educational and Scientific Training on the peculiarities of electronic declaration.

Instructional and preventive classes on transport discipline were held

The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs organized instructional and preventive classes for representatives of permanent and variable personnel of the university with the participation of employees of the Patrol Police Office in Vinnytsia region of the Patrol Police Department.

A working meeting with representatives of the special communications brigade was held

A meeting was organized with the first-year cadets of the Faculties No. 2 and No. 3 with the leaders of one of the Special Forces brigades who returned for rotation after performing combat missions in Zaporizhzhia direction.

University cadets are winners of the Ukrainian Cup in Thai boxing

The Thai Boxing Cup of Ukraine was held in Odesa, in which cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part. According to the results of their performances, they won three first places in different weight categories

Preparing for the state language proficiency exam

Nataliia Yelnikova, a senior lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty № 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held a consultation for first-year cadets of the Faculty № 1 on preparing for the state language proficiency exam.

Practical lesson on improving the skills of defense techniques

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training with the 1st and 2nd year cadets of the Faculties №№ 2, 3 - members of the scientific circles of the department "SHCHYT" and "SFP" - together with the senior lecturer of the cycle of fire and physical training of Vinnytsia Higher Vocational School of the Department of Security Police, master of sports in judo Vitalii Nesmachnyi conducted a binary lesson in the discipline "Special Physical Training".