Internship of cadets in Kharkiv police units

Internship in the position of cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in the practical units of the National Police of Ukraine continues. They are not left out of the attention and support of university lecturers.

Preventive work on promoting a healthy lifestyle

For students of higher education of all faculties of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work conducted a video lecture with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing the use of alcohol and narcotic substances, as well as the harmfulness of smoking.

Psychological technologies for stress management became the topic of the meeting of the scientific group

Another meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty No. 3 of KhNUIA was held. The head of the department of pedagogy and psychology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Olena Fedorenko discussed with the cadets psychological technologies for managing stress and post-traumatic stress disorder, which is extremely relevant in modern conditions.

Internship of cadets in Kharkiv region

In order to control and provide higher education students with methodological assistance, the Head of the Department of Operative Investigative Activity and Crime Detection of KhNUIS, Vladyslav Shendryk, and professor of the department, Andrii Khankevych, checked the quality of the cadets' internship at the police units of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.

The Chain of Invincibility

On the occasion of the Day of Unity of Ukraine and as a sign of unity and freedom, university cadets, together with representatives of educational institutions and the youth council of Vinnytsia, military personnel, as well as internally displaced youth, joined the "Chain of Invincibility" campaign.

KhNUIA commemorated the victims and held events for the Day of Unity of Ukraine

At the beginning, those present honored the memory of those who died in the plane wreck in Brovary with a moment of silence. They, like other Ukrainian soldiers, gave their lives for Ukraine - free, independent and united.

Video lecture on the occasion of the Day of Unity of Ukraine

A video lecture was held by the head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies of Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education, Volodymyr Lazarenko, for higher education students of Faculties No. 1-4 of  Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs before the Day of Unity of Ukraine.

Crimea is Ukraine!

To the Day of Resistance to the Occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law of the Faculty No. 1 of KhNUIA held a round table dedicated to the history of Crimea, its present and ways of deoccupation of the peninsula.

The topic of the class was the issue of combating the use and distribution of narcotic substances

In Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a class was held as part of official training on the prevention of drug addiction among personnel, detection of cases of drug use, as well as identification of persons involved in their distribution among young people.

Attendance by cadets of Stus readings on the occasion of Ukraine Unity Day

On the eve of Ukraine Unity Day of and the 85th anniversary of the birth of the Ukrainian dissident poet, human rights defender, literary critic, translator, Hero of Ukraine Vasyl Stus, cadets of faculties No. 2 and No. 3 took part in the literary and artistic event "Vasyl Stus - a figure that unites Ukraine ", which took place within the framework of the traditional Stus readings in Vinnytsia Regional Scientific Universal Library named after V. Otamanovskyi.