Career guidance in Vinnytsia region continues

Employees of the Recruiting and Career Guidance Department together with cadets of the Faculties 2 and 3 held career guidance meetings with graduates of the 2023/2024 academic year in the city of Lipovets, Vinnytsia region.

Graduates of Vinnytsia Lyceum were invited to study

Pavlo Chervonyi, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, and Anastasiia Medvedkina, a 3rd year cadet of Faculty No. 3, visited Vinnytsia Lyceum No. 31, where they held a career guidance meeting with 11th grade students and the school's principal, Olha Ivanets.

University cadets practiced practical skills in tactical training

Representatives of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 2 - Senior Lecturer Volodymyr Yevtushok, lecturers Viktor Yasko and Mykhailo Bambuliak together with the tactical training instructor Staff Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - conducted a binary lesson on tactical training according to the Combat Army System (BARS) with the 2nd year cadets of the Faculty No. 2.

Binary lesson on engineering training

Valerii Bondar, Head of the Department of the Rapid Action Corps of the Main Department of the National Police in Vinnytsia region, and representatives of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3 - Head of the Department Mykola Borovyk and Associate Professor of the same Department Tykhin Shevchenko - conducted a binary lesson for 1st year cadets

Improving marksmanship skills (video)

The Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3 conducted an off-site training session with the permanent and variable personnel of the university. The goal is to form and improve the practical skills of police officers in high-speed and accurate shooting at stationary and moving targets in a limited time from different positions and in motion.

Cadets practiced actions of a police officer in conditions of intense fire contact

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3 Oleksandr Skliar and a supervisory group conducted an off-site practical training session using paintball equipment. The topic was "Conducting assault operations by small police task forces".

The Rector of the University congratulated the winners and prize-winners of the Ukrainian Kettlebell Lifting Cup

During the morning formation of the personnel of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Rector Valerii Sokurenko presented awards to the cadets - winners and prize-winners of the Ukrainian Kettlebell Lifting Cup in memory of the athletes who died as a result of the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, which took place in Kyiv.

KhNUIA cadets became winners and prize-winners of the Ukrainian Kettlebell Lifting Cup

The members of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs national team took part in the Ukrainian Kettlebell Lifting Cup in memory of the fallen athletes as a result of the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, which took place in Kyiv. According to the results of the competition, the participants won prizes in lifting a 24 kg kettlebell

Offsite training shooting lesson

The Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3 conducted an off-site training session with the permanent and variable personnel of the university on training shooting. The goal is to form and improve the practical skills of police officers in high-speed and accurate shooting at stationary and moving targets in a limited time from different positions and in motion.

Excursion to the National Museum-Estate of M.I. Pyrohov

Employees of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Associate Professor Pavlo Chervonyi, Senior Lecturer Olena Makarova, together with cadets of group 305 of Faculty No. 3 visited the museum-estate of Mykola Ivanovych Pyrohov, a brilliant surgeon, scientist, anatomist, creator of military field surgery, founder of the Red Cross Society and a great teacher.